> On Jul 28, 2017, at 10:38 PM, Andrew Trick <atr...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 28, 2017, at 3:15 PM, John McCall <rjmcc...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:rjmcc...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> On Jul 28, 2017, at 6:02 PM, Andrew Trick via swift-dev 
>>> <swift-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> On Jul 28, 2017, at 2:20 PM, Joe Groff via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org 
>>>> <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> The Swift runtime currently maintains globally unique pointer identities 
>>>> for type metadata and protocol conformances. This makes checking type 
>>>> equivalence a trivial pointer equality comparison, but most operations on 
>>>> generic values do not really care about exact type identity and only need 
>>>> to invoke value or protocol witness methods or consult other data in the 
>>>> type metadata structure. I think it's worth reevaluating whether having 
>>>> globally unique type metadata objects is the correct design choice. 
>>>> Maintaining global uniqueness of metadata instances carries a number of 
>>>> costs. Any code that wants type metadata for an instance of a generic 
>>>> type, even a fully concrete one, must make a potentially expensive runtime 
>>>> call to get the canonical metadata instance. This also greatly complicates 
>>>> our ability to emit specializations of type metadata, value witness 
>>>> tables, or protocol witness tables for concrete instances of generic 
>>>> types, since specializations would need to be registered with the runtime 
>>>> as canonical metadata objects, and it would be difficult to do this lazily 
>>>> and still reliably favor specializations over more generic witnesses. The 
>>>> lack of witness table specializations leaves an obnoxious performance 
>>>> cliff for instances of generic types that end up inside existential 
>>>> containers or cross into unspecialized code. The runtime also obligates 
>>>> binaries to provide the canonical metadata for all of their public types, 
>>>> along with all the dependent value witnesses, class methods, and protocol 
>>>> witness tables, meaning a type abstraction can never be completely 
>>>> "zero-cost" across modules.
>>>> On the other hand, if type metadata did not need to be unique, then the 
>>>> compiler would be free to emit specialized type metadata and protocol 
>>>> witness tables for fully concrete non-concrete value types without 
>>>> consulting the runtime. This would let us avoid runtime calls to fetch 
>>>> metadata in specialized code, and would make it much easier for us to 
>>>> implement witness specialization. It would also give us the ability to 
>>>> potentially extend the "inlinable" concept to public fragile types, making 
>>>> it a client's responsibility to emit metadata for the type when needed and 
>>>> keeping the type from affecting its home module's ABI. This could 
>>>> significantly reduce the size and ABI surface area of the standard 
>>>> library, since the standard library contains a lot of generic lightweight 
>>>> adapter types for collections and other abstractions that are intended to 
>>>> be optimized away in most use cases.
>>>> There are of course benefits to globally unique metadata objects that we 
>>>> would lose if we gave up uniqueness. Operations that do check type 
>>>> identity, such as comparison, hashing, and dynamic casting, would have to 
>>>> perform more expensive checks, and nonunique metadata objects would need 
>>>> to carry additional information to enable those checks. It is likely that 
>>>> class objects would have to remain globally unique, if for no other reason 
>>>> than that the Objective-C runtime requires it on Apple platforms. Having 
>>>> multiple equivalent copies of type metadata has the potential to increase 
>>>> the working set of an app in some situations, although it's likely that 
>>>> redundant compiler-emitted copies of value type metadata would at least be 
>>>> able to live in constant pages mapped from disk instead of getting 
>>>> dynamically instantiated by the runtime like everything is today. There 
>>>> could also be subtle source-breaking behavior for code that bitcasts 
>>>> metatype values to integers or pointers and expects bit-level equality to 
>>>> indicate type equality. It's unlikely to me that giving up uniqueness 
>>>> would buy us any simplification to the runtime, since the runtime would 
>>>> still need to be able to instantiate metadata for unspecialized code, and 
>>>> we would still want to unique runtime-instantiated metadata objects as an 
>>>> optimization.
>>>> Overall, my intuition is that the tradeoffs come out in favor for 
>>>> nonunique metadata objects, but what do you all think? Is there anything 
>>>> I'm missing?
>>>> -Joe
>>> In a premature proposal two years ago, we agreed to ditch unique protocol 
>>> conformances but install the canonical address as the first entry in each 
>>> specialized table.
>> This would be a reference to (unique) global data about the conformance, not 
>> a reference to some canonical version of the protocol witness table.  We do 
>> not rely on having a canonical protocol witness table.  The only reason we 
>> unique them (when we do need to instantiate) is because we don't want to 
>> track their lifetimes.
>>> That would mitigate the disadvantages that you pointed to. But, we would 
>>> also lose the ability to emit specialized metadata/conformances in constant 
>>> pages. How do you feel about that tradeoff?
>> Note that, per above, it's only specialized constant type metadata that we 
>> would lose.
>> I continue to feel that having to do structural equality tests on type 
>> metadata would be a huge loss.
>> John.
> My question was really, are we going to runtime-initialize the specialized 
> metadata and specialized witness tables in order to install the unique 
> identifier, rather than requiring a runtime call whenever we need the unique 
> ID. I think the answer is “yes”, we want to install the ID at initialization 
> time for fast type comparison, hashing and casting.

Sorry, by "(unique) global data about the conformance" I meant that we would 
emit a global conformance descriptor in constant data for the conformance 
declaration.  There would be one of these, no matter how many it was 
instantiated; it would therefore uniquely identify a possible generic 
conformance the same way that a nominal type descriptor uniquely identifies a 
possibly generic type.  The reference to it would just be an ordinary symbol 

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