> On Oct 5, 2017, at 1:42 PM, David Zarzycki via swift-dev 
> <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> As an experiment, I’d like to force the exclusivity checking logic to always 
> error at compile time, rather than a mix of compile time and run time. Near 
> as I can tell, there is no built in debugging logic to do this (not even to 
> warn when dynamic checks are added). Am I missing something? Where would be 
> the best place in the code to make the dynamic checker error/warning at 
> compile time? Would a warning be useful to others? Or should I just keep this 
> on a throwaway branch?

Dave, what exactly are you trying to do?

At some point, I plan on adding static checking for exclusivity like the 
ownership model. I imagine we could just error whenever we can not eliminate a 
runtime check. Would that solve your problem?

> Thanks,
> Dave
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