> On Oct 23, 2017, at 11:27 AM, George King via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> 
> wrote:
> Hello, I’m curious about the swiftdoc format. I’ve looked through the swift 
> codebase and have been unable to find either documentation about it or the 
> relevant source code. Could somebody point me in the right direction? I’m 
> thinking about building a swift documentation viewer and want to figure out 
> if I would have to extract docs from source by hand, or if I can leverage the 
> compiler in some way to do the parsing and document syntax rendering.

It’s a serialized format, emitted by Serialization::writeDocToStream(), here:


It would be a pain to write another client to read the binary format. Better 
would be to use SourceKit to walk the compiler’s AST and ask for the 
documentation for the various declarations.

        - Doug

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