> On Nov 13, 2017, at 11:40 AM, John McCall via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> 
> wrote:
>   - I feel like we're not boxing ourselves in too much to assume a layout of 
> the generic requirements.  Having a base offset already imposes a pretty 
> steep compatibility requirement — e.g. even if we significantly generalized a 
> type's generic signature, we would still need to store old requirements (when 
> actually obeyed) in the appropriate places for the old signature, or else the 
> old pattern just doesn't work at all.  As long as we can extend that with 
> more information later, we don't really suffer from making layout assumptions 
> today.

Do you mean if we significantly generalized the schema for generic 
requirements, or if we changed the definition of a single type to be more 
general? I would rather the latter did not happen.

Accessing generic arguments efficiently is important for extension methods, I 
think. In fact right now even thin functions recover metadata from a thick 
metatype argument if its the last parameter, although perhaps this is not 

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