> On Nov 14, 2017, at 9:06 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-dev 
> <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Nov 14, 2017, at 5:21 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:xiaodi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> 1. It must be possible to easily access the count of values, and to access 
>> any particular value using contiguous `Int` indices. This could be achieved 
>> either by directly accessing elements in the list of values through an Int 
>> subscript, or by constructing an Array from the list of values.
>> 2. It must be possible to control the order of values in the list of values, 
>> either by using source order or through some other simple, straightforward 
>> mechanism.
>> OK, first of all, nowhere in the proposal text are these requirements stated 
>> as part of the use case. You're free to put forward new use cases, but here 
>> I am trying to design the most elegant way to fulfill a stated need and 
>> you're telling me that it's something other than what's written.
> Honestly, re-reading the proposal, it never cites a fully-formed use case. 
> Instead, it cites several blog posts, Stack Overflow questions, and small 
> code samples without digging in to the underlying reasons why developers are 
> doing what they're doing. Most of the people discussing it so far seem to 
> have had a tacit understanding that we wanted roughly Array-like access, but 
> we haven't explicitly dug into which properties of an Array are important.
> (If anyone involved feels like they had a different understanding of the use 
> case, please speak up.)
> I think this is a place where the proposal can be improved, and I'm willing 
> to do some writing to improve it.

This is a feature I have been requesting since Swift 1.  If the resulting 
ordering is not SOURCE ordering, this feature loses most of it’s usefulness for 
me. I would say around 80% of my uses for this require a predictable ordering 
(and I don’t consider something based on compiler internals predictable) which 
I can control.  As Brent said, most of those cases involve something that shows 
to the user in some way.  The weekday example was a good one (I actually have 
that in my code).  

The most painful case of this being missing was where I needed an enum of all 
country codes (it is a beast to maintain).  In that case, I am displaying them 
to the user in a tableView (along with icons named by the country codes), but I 
am also filtering them based on the user’s input in a search field.  To do 
both, you need to be able to iterate/filter an array of cases. Awful to build. 
Just awful.

Also, I would greatly prefer an allValues/allCases method to having the type be 
a collection. It just reads clearer in code what is going on.  I think what I 
basically want to see is:

        protocol ValueEnumerable {
                var allValues:Collection<Self>

…where both the conformance and implementation are automatically inferred for 
enums when possible.

I would probably also end up using this protocol on Structs that I use as 
extensible enums.  That is, I have a private/internal initializer and use 
static vars in place of the cases.  This isn’t perfect, since part of the 
reason I use these structs is that they can be built in a distributed way… but 
I could find a way to build that array in a mostly distributed way as well (and 
if we ever get the Multi-function capability I have suggested elsewhere, then 
it could be truly distributed).

Semantically, the protocol should infer not only a finite number of cases, but 
a number that can be iterated over in a reasonable period of time.  I would be 
fine with Bool conforming, but not with Int.  With those semantics, I could 
easily see a follow-on proposal which says that associated cases where all of 
the values are ValueEnumerable are ValueEnumerable themselves.  This would be 
super useful for cascading enums.  I have a game that I am working on in my 
spare time right now, where effects of actions are represented as enums, with a 
single enum for all effects that references more specific enums for each type 
of thing that can be affected.

One other common need which I feel I should bring up even though it is a bit 
tangential, is that when I have enums with associated values, 90% of the time, 
I end up wanting a way to refer to the base of that without the value.  For 
example, if the player has a case called ‘damage’ which has an associated Int, 
I end up wanting to ask (and sometimes store) if the case is a ‘damage’ case.  
Often, I am trying to match against patterns: Were there two damages followed 
by a block?  What I end up doing is creating a second enum with the same cases 
(sans values) and then creating a mapping between the two. Busywork in the same 
way writing these allValues arrays are busywork.  If we end up creating a way 
to reference just the base, maybe the allValues array should just contain those 
bases for non-enumerable associated values. Food for thought.


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