> Le 30 déc. 2017 à 14:22, Michael Gottesman <mgottes...@apple.com> a écrit :
>> That sounds fun. I'll have to check with my manager after the holidays.
> Nerd snipe success? = p

I guess so? 🤓 I'm an easy target.

>> It sounds like having flexible parameter ownership rules doesn't have too 
>> much overhead if it can be user-specified (in some future). Would it be 
>> feasible to use escape analysis to decide if a parameter should be +0 or +1?
> No. A parameter's convention is ABI. You don't want to change ABI related 
> things like that via escape analysis since it means that as a function 
> changes, due to the optimizer, the ABI can change =><=.

That makes sense, I hadn't thought about it.

> Cases like this are due to the optimizer seeing some use that it can not 
> understand. The optimizer must be conservative so sometimes things that the 
> user thinks the optimizer should see through/understand, it can not. The way 
> to see that is to look at the SIL level and see what is stopping the code 
> motion. There are ways that you can get debug output from the optimizer. This 
> additionally may be a case where an opt-remark like system could help guide 
> the user on why code motion has stopped.

My limited testing was basically checking this program:

> final class Foo {
>       var bar = 4
> }
> let instance = Foo()
> @inline(never)
> func print(_ x: Int) {
>       Swift.print(x)
> }
> func main() {
>       let foo = instance
>       print(foo.bar)
>       print(0)
> }

On my first pass I noticed that foo is released at the end of the function 
(hence the rest of my message), but upon closer inspection I see that it is, in 
fact, retained after `foo.bar` is accessed:

> sil hidden @_T04test4mainyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
> bb0:
>   %0 = global_addr @_T04test8instanceAA3FooCv : $*Foo // user: %1
>   %1 = load %0 : $*Foo                            // users: %11, %6, %4, %2
>   debug_value %1 : $Foo, let, name "foo"          // id: %2
>   // function_ref print(_:)
>   %3 = function_ref @_T04test5printySiF : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> () // 
> users: %10, %7
>   %4 = ref_element_addr %1 : $Foo, #Foo.bar       // user: %5
>   %5 = load %4 : $*Int                            // user: %7
>   strong_retain %1 : $Foo                         // id: %6
>   %7 = apply %3(%5) : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> ()
>   %8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0          // user: %9
>   %9 = struct $Int (%8 : $Builtin.Int64)          // user: %10
>   %10 = apply %3(%9) : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> ()
>   strong_release %1 : $Foo                        // id: %11
>   %12 = tuple ()                                  // user: %13
>   return %12 : $()                                // id: %13
> } // end sil function '_T04test4mainyyF'

So while I thought earlier that I didn't know why it wasn't released, I guess 
that the better question is why it's retained at all!

>> I guess that the question is: what does Swift gain by keeping objects around 
>> for longer than they need to? Is it all about matching C++ or is there 
>> something else?
> Again, I think you are extrapolating a bit. Swift is not attempting to keep 
> objects around for longer than they need to be at all. Such situations are 
> more likely due to optimizer inadequacies or unimplemented optimizations 
> [again, nerd snipe alert, patches welcome ; )]. All of these things take 
> engineering time to do and engineering time is something that must be 
> prioritized with respect to the overall needs of the project.

Of course. I think that I was being a bit aggressive with "what is the benefit 
of this"; I knew there was a fair chance that it was "we had other things to 


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