> On Jan 4, 2018, at 1:08 PM, Erik Eckstein <eeckst...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> 1. It looks like the MandatoryInliner is the biggest culprit at -O0 here: 
>>> it deserializes the referenced function (MandatoryInlining.cpp:384) and 
>>> *then* checks to see if the callee is @_transparent.  Would it make sense 
>>> to change this to check for @_transparent first (which might require a SIL 
>>> change?), and only deserialize if so?
>> This seems like a clear win.
> +1
> It should be a trivial change and I’m wondering why we haven’t done this yet.
> I filed https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-6697 
> <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-6697>


>>> 2. The performance inliner will have the same issue after this, and 
>>> deserializing the bodies of all inlinable referenced functions is 
>>> unavoidable for it.  However, we don’t have to copy the SIL into the 
>>> current module and burn compile time by subjecting it to all of the 
>>> standard optimizations again.  Would it make sense to put deserialized 
>>> function bodies into a separate SIL module, and teach the (few) IPA/IPO 
>>> optimizations about this fact?  This should be very straight-forward to do 
>>> for all of the optimizations I’m aware of.
>> What if we deserialized function bodies lazily instead of deserializing the 
>> transitive closure of all serialized functions referenced from a function?
> Well, with our pass pipeline architecture I suspect it will not make a 
> difference. We process functions bottom-up. For example, the performance 
> inliner optimizes the callee first before trying to inline it (because it 
> influences the inlining decision). So the performance inliner actually visits 
> the whole call tree.
>>> Would it make sense to put deserialized function bodies into a separate SIL 
>>> module
> We serialize early in the pipeline, i.e. serialized functions are not (fully) 
> optimized.

Really?  The serialized functions in the standard library aren’t optimized?  
That itself seems like a significant issue: you’re pushing optimized compile 
time cost onto every user’s source file that uses an unoptimized stdlib symbol.

> And at least the performance inliner needs functions to be optimized to make 
> good inlining decisions. So it makes sense to also optimize deserialized 
> functions.
> That said, I’m sure there is still potential for improvements. For example, 
> we could exclude deserialized generic functions from optimizations, because 
> we only inline specialized functions.

If the serialized functions are in fact optimized, you have a lot of ways to 
avoid deserializing in practice.  There just aren’t that many IPO/IPA passes in 
the compiler, so you can build in summaries that they need into the serialized 
sil code.  If they aren’t optimized, then there are bigger problems.


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