On Jan 8, 2018, at 5:26 PM, Jordan Rose via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> 
>> On Jan 8, 2018, at 17:18, Chris Lattner <clatt...@nondot.org 
>> <mailto:clatt...@nondot.org>> wrote:
>>> On Jan 5, 2018, at 4:19 PM, Jordan Rose via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org 
>>> <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi, all. Swift 4.1 is off on its own branch and going well, but we never 
>>> quite came up with an answer for a particular problem developers might 
>>> have: "am I running a Swift 4.1 compiler?”.
>> I agree, this is getting bad.  Ted mentioned that something like 
>> __has_feature in clang is probably the best way to go, so people could check 
>> the specific thing they care about, instead of a set of global version 
>> numbers.
>> Another thing that could help is something along the lines of:
>>      #if swift_stdlib(>=5.0)
>> which would presumably be active in any language mode when the 5.0 standard 
>> library is available.  It would be even better to use a generalized 
>> availability system for this: the standard library version could be treated 
>> just like Foundation versions are handled, for example.
> Yep, though there's a difference between compile-time availability (which is 
> what `#if swift` and `@available(swift, …)` check) and run-time availability 
> (which is what `@available(macOS, …)` and `#available` check). Thus far, 
> availability of features in the standard library has been a compile-time 
> check, but as soon as the standard library starts shipping with Apple's OS, 
> it becomes a run-time check. The conclusion I draw is that there's a good 
> chance we'll end up with different solutions for checking compiler versions 
> vs. checking run-time versions.
> (And then there's another thing people have asked for, which is statically 
> checking SDK versions. 

I think your second paragraph answers the issue you observe in the first 
paragraph.  You’re right that we have #available and @available, but neither of 
them are the thing we need here.  We need a third thing that allows people to 
conditionally build (#ifdef-style) based on build time information.

I don’t see the OS or the standard library as being special here.  The same 
thing is true for source packages - a dependent package should be able to write 
conditional code to allow it to work with different versions of some other 
package it depends on.  I outlined this sort of stuff in this ancient doc:

> Thus far they've been able to emulate that with `#if swift` because we've 
> shipped a new Swift with every new Apple SDK, but it's still potentially an 
> interesting feature.)

Sure, this is just a way of saying that people are already doing this - so we 
might as well make it nice and consistent.  Also, given that Swift is cross 
platform, it would be nice to have a solution that works in other environments 


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