Hi Chris!

+CC Michael Gottesman, as I veer into talking about ARC.

> On Jan 10, 2018, at 9:29 PM, Chris Lattner <clatt...@nondot.org> wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2018, at 11:55 AM, Michael Ilseman via swift-dev 
> <swift-dev@swift.org <mailto:swift-dev@swift.org>> wrote:
>> (A gist-formatted version of this email can be found at 
>> https://gist.github.com/milseman/bb39ef7f170641ae52c13600a512782f 
>> <https://gist.github.com/milseman/bb39ef7f170641ae52c13600a512782f>)
> I’m very very excited for this, thank you for the detailed writeup and 
> consideration of the effects and tradeoffs involved.
>> Given that ordering is not fit for human consumption, but rather machine 
>> processing, it might as well be fast. The current ordering differs on Darwin 
>> and Linux platforms, with Linux in particular suffering from poor 
>> performance due to choice of ordering (UCA with DUCET) and older versions of 
>> ICU. Instead, [String Comparison 
>> Prototype](https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/12115 
>> <https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/12115>)  provides a simpler ordering 
>> that allows for many common-case fast-paths and optimizations. For all the 
>> Unicode enthusiasts out there, this is the lexicographical ordering of 
>> NFC-normalized UTF-16 code units.
> Thank you for fixing this.  Your tradeoffs make perfect sense to me.
>> ### Small String Optimization
> ..
>> For example, assuming a 16-byte String struct and 8 bits used for flags and 
>> discriminators (including discriminators for which small form a String is 
>> in), 120 bits are available for a small string payload. 120 bits can hold 7 
>> UTF-16 code units, which is sufficient for most graphemes and many common 
>> words and separators. 120 bits can also fit 15 ASCII/UTF-8 code units 
>> without any packing, which suffices for many programmer/system strings 
>> (which have a strong skew towards ASCII).
>> We may also want a compact 5-bit encoding for formatted numbers, such as 
>> 64-bit memory addresses in hex, `Int.max` in base-10, and `Double` in 
>> base-10, which would require 18, 19, and 24 characters respectively. 120 
>> bits with a 5-bit encoding would fit all of these. This would speed up the 
>> creation and interpolation of many strings containing numbers.
> I think it is important to consider that having more special cases and 
> different representations slows down nearly *every* operation on string 
> because they have to check and detangle all of the possible representations.

nit: Multiple small representations would slow down nearly every operation on 
*small* strings. That is, we would initially branch on a isSmall check, and 
then small strings would pay the cost of further inspection. This could also 
slow down String construction, depending on how aggressively we try to 
pack/transcode and whether we also have specialized inits.

>  Given the ability to hold 15 digits of ascii, I don’t see why it would be 
> worthwhile to worry about a 5-bit representation for digits.  String should 
> be an Any!
> The tradeoff here is that you’d be biasing the design to favor creation and 
> interpolation of many strings containing *large* numbers, at the cost of 
> general string performance anywhere.   This doesn’t sound like a good 
> tradeoff for me, particularly when people writing extremely performance 
> sensitive code probably won’t find it good enough anyway.
>> Final details are still in exploration. If the construction and 
>> interpretation of small bit patterns can remain behind a resilience barrier, 
>> new forms could be added in the future. However, the performance impact of 
>> this would need to be carefully evaluated.
> I’d love to see performance numbers on this.  Have you considered a design 
> where you have exactly one small string representation: a sequence of 15 UTF8 
> bytes?  This holds your 15 bytes of ascii, probably more non-ascii characters 
> on average than 7 UTF16 codepoints, and only needs one determinator branch on 
> the entry point of hot functions that want to touch the bytes.  If you have a 
> lot of algorithms that are sped up by knowing they have ascii, you could go 
> with two bits:  “is small” and “isascii”, where isascii is set in both the 
> small string and normal string cases.

We have not yet done the investigation, so all details could change. This is my 
(perhaps flawed!) reasoning as to why, in general, it may be useful to have 
multiple small forms. Again, this will change as we learn more.

Strings are created and copied (i.e. a value-copy/retain) more often than they 
are read (and strings are read far more often than they are modified). The 
“high-order bit” for performance is whether a string is small-or-not, as 
avoiding an allocation and, just as importantly, managing the memory with ARC 
is skipped. Beyond that, we’re debating smaller performance deltas, which are 
still important. This reasoning also influences where we choose to stick our 
resilience barriers, which can be relaxed in the future.

One of the nice things about having a small representation for each of our 
backing storage kinds (ASCII/UTF-8 vs UTF-16) is that it would gives us a very 
fast way of conservatively checking whether we form a small string. E.g., if 
we’re forming a Substring over a portion of a UTF-16-backed string, we can 
check whether the range holds 7 or fewer code units to avoid the ARC. I don’t 
know if it would be worth the attempt to detect whether it would fit in 15 
transcoded UTF-8 code units vs bumping the ref count. Avoiding the extra 
packing attempt may help branch mis-predicts, though I’m *way* out of my depth 
when it comes to reasoning about mis-predicts as they emerge in the wild. There 
is a “temporal locality of Unicode-ness” in string processing, though.

As far as what strings a 7 code unit UTF-16 small form that couldn’t fit in 15 
code units of UTF-8, the biggest cases are latter-BMP scalars where a small 
UTF-8 string could only store 5. This may not be a big deal.

As to a 5-bit encoding, again, all details pending more experimentation. Its 
importance may be diminished by more efficient, low-level String construction 
interfaces. The difference between 15 and 24 characters could be big, 
considering that formatted addresses and Doubles fit in that range. We’ll see.

> Finally, what tradeoffs do you see between a 1-word vs 2-word string?  Are we 
> really destined to have 2-words?  That’s still much better than the 3 words 
> we have now, but for some workloads it is a significant bloat.

<repeat disclaimer about final details being down to real data>. Some arguments 
in favor of 2-word, presented roughly in order of impact:

1. This allows the String type to accommodate llvm::StringRef-style usages. 
This is pretty broad usage: “mmap a file and treat its contents as a String”, 
“store all my contents in an llvm::BumpPtr which outlives uses”, un-owned 
slices, etc. One word String would greatly limit this to only whole-string 
nul-terminated cases.

2. Two-word String fits more small strings. Exactly where along the 
diminishing-returns curve 7 vs 15 UTF-8 code units lie is dependent on the data 
set. One example is NSString, which (according to reasoning at 
 considered it important enough to have 6- and 5- bit reduced ASCII character 
sets to squeeze up to 11-length strings in a word. 15 code unit small strings 
would be a super-set of tagged NSStrings, meaning we could bridge them eagerly 
in-line, while 7 code unit small strings would be a subset (and also a strong 
argument against eagerly bridging them). 

If you have access to any interesting data sets and can report back some 
statistics, that would be immensely helpful!

3. More bits available to reserve for future-proofing, etc., though many of 
these could be stored in the header.

4. The second word can cache useful information from large strings. `endIndex` 
is a very frequently requested computed property and it could be stored 
directly in-line rather than loaded from memory (though perhaps a load happens 
anyways in a subsequent read of the string). Alternatively, we could store the 
grapheme count or some other piece of information that we’d otherwise have to 
recompute. More experimentation needed here.

5. (vague and hand-wavy) Two-words fits into a nice groove that 3-words 
doesn’t: 2 words is a rule-of-thumb size for very small buffers. It’s a common 
heap alignment, stack alignment, vector-width, double-word-load width, etc.. 
1-word Strings may be under-utilizing available resources, that is the second 
word will often be there for use anyways. The main case where this is not true 
and 1-word shines is aggregates of String.

I’m seeking some kind of ruthlessly-pragmatic balance here, and I think 2 word 
is currently winning. Again, up to further investigation and debate. FWIW, I 
believe Rust’s String is 3-words, i.e. it’s the std::vector-style 
pointer+length+capacity, but I haven’t looked into their String vs OsString vs 
OsStr vs … model.

>> ### Unmanaged Strings
>> Such unmanaged strings can be used when the lifetime of the storage is known 
>> to outlive all uses. 
> Just like StringRef!  +1, this concept can be a huge performance win… but can 
> also be a huge source of UB if used wrong.. :-(

When it comes to naming, I’m more prone to argue for “UnsafeString” rather than 
“UnmanagedString”, but that’s a later debate for SE ;-)

>> As such, they don’t need to participate in reference counting. In the 
>> future, perhaps with ownership annotations or sophisticated static analysis, 
>> Swift could convert managed strings into unmanaged ones as an optimization 
>> when it knows the contents would not escape. Similarly in the future, a 
>> String constructed from a Substring that is known to not outlive the 
>> Substring’s owner can use an unmanaged form to skip copying the contents. 
>> This would benefit String’s status as the recommended common-currency type 
>> for API design.
> This could also have implications for StaticString.


>> Some kind of unmanaged string construct is an often-requested feature for 
>> highly performance-sensitive code. We haven’t thought too deeply about how 
>> best to surface this as API and it can be sliced and diced many ways. Some 
>> considerations:
> Other questions/considerations:
> - here and now, could we get the vast majority of this benefit by having the 
> ABI pass string arguments as +0 and guarantee their lifetime across calls?  
> What is the tradeoff of that?

Michael Gottesman (+CC) is doing this sort of investigation right now, 
evaluating the tradeoffs of more wide-spread use of the +0 convention. My 
current understanding is that even with +0, many retain/release pairs cannot be 
eliminated without more knowledge of the callee, but I don’t know the reasons 
why. Hopefully he can elaborate.

> - does this concept even matter if/when we can write an argument as “borrowed 
> String”?  I suppose this is a bit more general in that it should be usable as 
> properties and other things that the (initial) ownership design isn’t scoped 
> to support since it doesn’t have lifetimes.

Right, it’s a little more general.

> - array has exactly the same sort of concern, why is this a string-specific 
> problem?

I think it’s interesting as slices may emerge more often in practice on strings 
than arrays, e.g. for presenting parsing results. Also, applications that care 
about this level of performance may custom-allocate all their string data 
contiguously (e.g. llvm::BumpPtr). I believe that projects such as llbuild have 
done this, forcing themselves into an API schism between String and 
UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>, often duplicating functionality. In theory all of 
this could also apply to array, but it seems to happen more for strings.

> - how does this work with mutation?  Wouldn’t we really have to have 
> something like MutableArrayRef since its talking about the mutability of the 
> elements, not something that var/let can support?

Good point. If this is more of a “UnsafeString”-like concept, there’s analogy 
with Unsafe[Mutable]BufferPointer.

> When I think about this, it seems like an “non-owning *slice*” of some sort.  
> If you went that direction, then you wouldn’t have to build it into the 
> String currency type, just like it isn’t in LLVM.

Yes, though you would lose the ability to give them to APIs expecting a String 
when you know it’s safe to do so. E.g., when the contents are effectively 
immortal relative to the API call and effects. Careful use of “unsafe” or 
“unmanaged” in type names and argument labels needed here.

>> ### Performance Flags
> Nice.
>> ### Miscellaneous
>> There are many other tweaks and improvements possible under the new ABI 
>> prior to stabilization, such as:
>> * Guaranteed nul-termination for String’s storage classes for faster C 
>> bridging.
> This is probably best as another perf flag.

I was thinking that if we always zero-fill our storage classes and reserve one 
extra character, then the flag would be redundant with the discriminator bits. 
However, that’s assuming the string doesn’t store a nul character in the 
middle. I agree this might need a separate perf flag.

>> * Unification of String and Substring’s various Views.
>> * Some form of opaque string, such as an existential, which can be used as 
>> an extension point.
>> * More compact/performant indices.
> What is the current theory on eager vs lazy bridging with Objective-C?  Can 
> we get to an eager bridging model?  That alone would dramatically simplify 
> and speed up every operation on a Swift string.

I don’t think that will be feasible in general, although perhaps it could 
happen for most common occurrences.

>> ## String Ergonomics
> I need to run now, but I’ll read and comment on this section when I have a 
> chance.
> That said, just today I had to write the code below and the ‘charToByte’ part 
> of it is absolutely tragic.  Is there any thoughts about how to improve 
> character literal processing?
> -Chris
> func decodeHex(_ string: String) -> [UInt8] {
>   func charToByte(_ c: String) -> UInt8 {
>     return c.utf8.first! // swift makes char processing grotty. :-(
>   }
>   func hexToInt(_ c : UInt8) -> UInt8 {
>     switch c {
>     case charToByte("0")...charToByte("9"): return c - charToByte("0")
>     case charToByte("a")...charToByte("f"): return c - charToByte("a") + 10
>     case charToByte("A")...charToByte("F"): return c - charToByte("A") + 10
>     default: fatalError("invalid hexadecimal character")
>     }
>   }

Yeah, trying to do ASCII value ranges is currently pretty rough. Here’s what I 
did recently when I wanted something similar, using unicode scalar literal 

extension Character {
    public var isASCII: Bool {
        guard let scalar = unicodeScalars.first, unicodeScalars.count == 1 else 
{ return false }
        return scalar.value <= 0x7f
    public var isASCIIAlphaNumeric: Bool {
        guard isASCII else { return false }
        switch unicodeScalars.first! {
        case "0"..."9": return true
        case "A"..."Z": return true
        case "a"..."z": return true
        default: return false

For a more general solution, I think a `var numericValue: Int? { get }` on 
Character would make sense. Unicode defines (at least one) semantics for this 
and ICU provides this functionality already.

>   var result: [UInt8] = []
>   assert(string.count & 1 == 0, "must get a pair of hexadecimal characters")
>   var it = string.utf8.makeIterator()
>   while let byte1 = it.next(),
>         let byte2 = it.next() {
>     result.append((hexToInt(byte1) << 4) | hexToInt(byte2))
>   }
>   return result
> }
> print(decodeHex("01FF"))
> print(decodeHex("8001"))
> print(decodeHex("80a1bcd3"))
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