Regarding naming and clarity, my first impression is “yes, this is far better”.

After 1.5 years of doing Swift, I’m _still_ confused by `takeRetainedValue()` 
and `takeUnretainedValue()`. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been spared having to 
learn at a deep level how to do manual refcounting, and so I only occasionally 
have to interact with APIs that require this. Still, I always have to check the 
documentation, and re-read the descriptions of both carefully to make sure I’m 
not mixing up the two.

Although `release()` probably isn’t perfect for reasons mentioned before (a 
hard naming problem indeed), I somehow find it easier to conceptualize it in my 
brain than `takeRetainedValue()`.

And the asymmetry between `release()` and `value` definitely seems like a win 
to me — it really emphasizes that `value` doesn’t really “do” anything, you’re 
just using the underlying value.

— Radek

> On 18 Dec 2015, at 02:37, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> We’ve been working on a rewrite of the Unmanaged<T> component, and are 
> soliciting comments.  First, a little background:
> Unmanaged 
> <>
>  is primarily used as a return type from imported CoreFoundation functions 
> that haven’t been annotated with reference-counting semantic information
> A secondary known use-case is as a vehicle for creating a COpaquePointer 
> containing a reference’s bits, e.g. for when you need to pass a reference 
> through C APIs that use “void*” as a universal “give me some info and I’ll 
> give it back to your callback” mechanism.
> We saw several problems with Unmanaged that we wanted to fix:
> It was poorly-named (the reference is managed by somebody, we just aren't 
> representing that management in the type system).
> Its interface was much broader than it needs to be to cover the use-cases
> The purpose of many of its APIs was unclear
> Its documentation was vague and hard to understand.
> It didn’t establish a maximally-safe usage pattern for handling the results 
> of un-annotated CoreFoundation functions.
> The code for the proposed replacement, called UnsafeReference, is here 
> <>,
>  and a commit that updates Swift to use it is here 
> <>.
> Maximally Safe Usage
> The recommended usage pattern for handling an UnsafeReference<T> returned by 
> a function CFSomething is to always use the T instance produced by one of the 
> forms:
>     CFSomething(arguments…).release() // when the result is returned at +1
> or
>     CFSomething(arguments…).object    // when the result is returned at +0
> In other words, turn the UnsafeReference<T> into a safe T as quickly as 
> possible, and never store the UnsafeReference<T> in a variable so that it 
> can’t be (mis)used thereafter.
> Points of Discussion
> We’re interested in any feedback you might have, but there are a few points 
> we’d especially like to address:
> The name of the release() method has been contentious.
> 👍: Documentation—or naming conventions such as the “create rule 
> <>”—normally
>  says something like “you are responsible for releasing the result” in those 
> cases where release() must be called, so there’s a very direct way to know 
> which variant of the recommended usage pattern to employ.
> 👎: Some people who are very familiar with existing manual retain/release 
> programming find the recommended usage pattern really counter-intuitive 
> because they're “using something after calling release on it,” which one 
> never does in Objective-C.
> The alternative names we’ve been able to think of so far are verbose, clumsy, 
> and don’t match up with anything in the documentation of the called function, 
> so this seems like a really hard naming problem.  Better ideas from the 
> community would be most welcome here.
> We’re not sure about the terminology 
> <>
>  (Unretained/Retained/Released) used to precisely describe the semantics of 
> UnsafeReference. We’d like to know if these terms make sense to you or 
> whether you have better ideas.
> We want to know whether the usage pattern recommended above works for you.
> We want to know if the API is sufficiently broad or if there are things you 
> currently get—and need—from Unmanaged that we’ve left out.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Dave
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