In the context of error handling, a "sub-enum" (a term I might use again to 
describe enum-backed enums) is an easy and scalable way to tailor the error 
reporting interface of a function. If David Owens II's annotated throws 
 goes in, you can make an enum that has just the errors that your function can 
raise and you don't need to bother catching the rest.

Without it, taking your example, if I have a function that can throw 
NetworkException.NoInternetError, the annotation will still be NetworkException 
and you'll need a catch clause for SecurityError (or a catch-all) to be 
exhaustive. If you add a new NetworkException value, you need to update every 
call site to catch that value (or, again, use a catch-all). A sub-enum tailored 
to the function would increase resilience to changes in the underlying enum.

Maybe that tailored enum could even be synthesized by the compiler. That would 
be very cool for internal/private interfaces. (I'm not sure how the enum 
resilience thing Chris talks about will play out, so I wouldn't suggest that 
for public interfaces yet.)


> Le 18 déc. 2015 à 14:21:35, Sean Heber via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
> This worked for me:
> enum NetworkException: ErrorType {
>    case NoInternetError, SecurityError
> }
> enum ParseException: ErrorType {
>    case FailedResponse(statusCode: Int)
>    case EmptyResponse
>    case MissingField(fieldName: String)
> }
> enum ChangePictureError: ErrorType {
>    case Network(NetworkException)
>    case Parse(ParseException)
> }
> func thing() throws {
>    throw ChangePictureError.Parse(.FailedResponse(statusCode: 401))
> }
> func thing2() {
>    do {
>        try thing()
>    } catch ChangePictureError.Parse(.FailedResponse(statusCode: 401)) {
>        print("401")
>    } catch {
>        print("some other error")
>    }
> }
> I must admit that I’ve generally avoided exceptions (aka using Java) 
> throughout my entire programming career thus far and so don’t have extensive 
> experience with this sort of situation. :)
> l8r
> Sean

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