What would the ramifications of the following be? Each addresses the 
"confusable with labeling" issue but preserve the inout keyword.

func foo(x: inout Int)
func foo(x: @inout(Int))
func foo(x: @inout Int)

Is there an underlying reason that parameter modification should live on the 
name side rather than the type side of the colon? They aren't really modifying 
the name

-- Erica, inexperienced with Rust

> On Dec 18, 2015, at 7:07 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Dec 18, 2015, at 5:23 PM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> For Swift 3, we're planning to phase out 'var' parameters in functions, and 
>> we're also making it so that language keywords are valid argument labels. 
>> With both of these changes pending, I have a hard time not reading:
>> func foo(inout x: Int)
>> as an argument labeled `inout` instead of an unlabeled argument bound to 
>> `x`. Once `var` is phased out, `inout` would also be the only remaining case 
>> where quoting is necessary to use a name as an argument label. The `inout` 
>> keyword has always struck me as weird, since it violates 
>> definition-follows-use—maybe we should replace it with the `&` sigil, 
>> mirroring its usage in call sites.
> -1
> “inout” is intended to communicate (or at least hint at) the copy-in / 
> copy-out behavior of the argument.  It is also there to enable other 
> parameter modifiers, which can enable other more advanced parameters models 
> in the future (e.g. rust-style borrowing).
> -Chris
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