I could be satisfied by such an approach.  I could even be more satisfied if

> enum Foo: ValueEnumerable { case A, B, C }

were also essentially an alias for

> enum Foo: Int, ValueEnumerable { case A=0, B, C }


-- E

> On Dec 21, 2015, at 1:14 PM, Joe Groff <jgr...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 21, 2015, at 12:09 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> My wild aspirations in a nutshell:
>> Core enums:  Any enum that's created without raw or associated values, e.g. 
>> enum MyEnum {case This, That, Whatever, Etc},  can (and should) be 
>> Array<Self> representable. This would add intrinsic ordering and raw value 
>> construction starting with 0, up to count - 1. End-devs could use the 
>> ordering or not use the ordering, but it would be possible to convert to bit 
>> representation (1 << this.rawValue),  support iteration through the 
>> enumeration, introduce ranges for switches, etc. A massive improvement.
>> Raw value enums: Any enum that uses raw values, e.g. enum ForExample: String 
>> {case Hello = "hello", There = "there"} should be representable as Set<T>
>> Associated type enums: all bets are off
> There's only one kind of enum fundamentally, and I think we should make for 
> more continuity between different instances of enum rather than less. Any 
> type with a reasonably finite number of states ought to be able to support a 
> `values` collection. If it happens to have a RawRepresentable conformance, 
> mapping from values to rawValues is easy, and could be provided by a protocol 
> extension on ValueEnumerable where Self: RawRepresentable. Enums with 
> associated values that are themselves ValueEnumerable could enumerate all the 
> values of the associated value, so something like this:
> enum Foo: ValueEnumerable { case A, B, C }
> enum Bar: ValueEnumerable { case X(Foo), Y(Foo) }
> would give you `.X(.A)`, `.X(.B)`, `.X(.C)`, etc. (You could also derive 
> ValueEnumerable for structs by walking the cartesian product of the stored 
> properties' values, but I don't know if that's really useful.)
> -Joe

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