A proposal could allow subclassing final/sealed classes when using @testable 

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> On Dec 21, 2015, at 10:18 AM, Tomáš Linhart via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I must say, I am not big fun of this proposal because currently in Swift only 
> way how to mock classes is to subclass them. If this proposal becomes 
> reality, it will make mocking of all third-party libraries impossible unless 
> they mark their classes non-final and I am afraid authors will just use the 
> default behaviour so at the end people will stop testing code that is using 
> third-party libraries or they will have to fork the libraries or ask the 
> authors. This can be fixed by having better testing support in Swift but I 
> don't think, this will happen anytime soon.
> I would rather see introduction of better reflection so mock frameworks can 
> be reality. I would like to see also other building block of 
> objected-oriented-programming such as abstract classes, protocols with 
> generic type parameters and not just abstract types (associated types) that 
> allows to design better APIs that don't depend so much on overriding regular 
> classes.
> Tomáš
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