> On Dec 22, 2015, at 6:24 PM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 9:03 AM, Paul Cantrell via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> I weigh the safety argument against the many long hours I’ve spent beating 
>> my head against library behaviors, wishing I could read UIKit’s source code, 
>> wishing I could tweak that one little thing that I can’t control, and being 
>> grateful for the dubious workaround that saves the day — yes, even when a 
>> subsequent OS update breaks it. I know what I’m getting into when I solve a 
>> problem with a hack, and if the hack ships, it’s only because I weighed the 
>> risks and benefits. We app developers rely on swizzling, dubious 
>> subclassing, and (especially) undocumented behavior far more often than any 
>> of us would like. It is just part of the reality of making things ship — and 
>> an important part of the success of Apple’s app ecosystem.
> The same argument implies that we never should have created Swift as it is; 
> that leaving everything dynamic everywhere is necessary so people can get 
> their work done.  In some ways it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I once knew 
> a programmer that argued that all properties/ivars should be public, in case 
> you need to go in and work around some problem.  Naturally, he “needed" to 
> take advantage of that public exposure all the time.  I predict that, as 
> Swift does more to disallow unintended effects, you’ll start to see fewer and 
> fewer of the kinds of problem that require these dubious workarounds.

Well, coming from a “strong static types or bust” background, when I first 
worked with Ruby I was shocked at how the world did not fall apart even though 
everything is open to monkey patching! It’s definitely a different mindset — 
but one in which people exercise careful thought, and write good, reliable 
software. This stunned me when I first encountered that world, but it’s an 
empirical fact that it can work quite well. The ways in which it succeeds 
forced me to rethink a lot of how I approach code.

That said, the “everything dynamic and rewirable” way is _clearly_ not the 
Swift way, and with “The same argument implies…,” you’re misreading my argument.

In principle, I lean in favor of final by default. It’s clearly more consistent 
with Swift’s approach. I’m just pointing out that there will need to be 
something of a culture / ecosystem shift if the platform follows Swift’s lead 
toward more defensive programming and tighter control. The approaches that have 
been working for Objective-C library authors, including but not limited to 
Apple, will not continue to work as is.

>> I’m not totally opposed to final by default. Joe’s arguments sway me in 
>> principle. In practice, if Swift does indeed moves us toward “less wiggle 
>> room, less hackable” by default, then that wiggle room _will_ have to come 
>> from somewhere else: perhaps more open sourcing and more forking, or faster 
>> turnaround on fixes from library authors, or a larger portion of time spent 
>> by library authors explicitly exposing and documenting customization points. 
>> The new effort involved for library authors is nothing to sneeze at.
> No, it’s nothing to sneeze at; it is essential for creating reliable 
> software.  As a library author, I support anything that helps produce that 
> level of care :-)

Yes: a high level of care, and also open communication, and faster turnaround, 
and good listening, and … well, exactly the sort of effort Apple is putting 
forth right now for Swift!



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