> On Dec 23, 2015, at 12:41 PM, Chris Lattner <clatt...@apple.com> wrote:
> On Dec 23, 2015, at 10:25 AM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> Of the three, I prefer “associatedtype”.
>>> We already have precedent for concatenated names in a very related sort of 
>>> decl (typealias), and this will be a real keyword.
>>> Here are how I see the pros and cons I see of these options:
>>> type:
>>> - Overly short, particularly given the infrequency of these decls, the 
>>> common case of “type Element” will be weird floating around given its lack 
>>> of weight.
>> I don’t understand how that’s different from, e.g.
>>      init()
>> or
>>       var x: Int
>> which will both show up in protocol declarations.  Could you explain?
> It follows from the same logic that makes “typealias” have a long name, 
> instead of being named “type” or “typ” ;-)
> typealiases and associated types are both *much* less frequently used than 
> variables or functions.  var and func make sense to keep very short because 
> of their frequency, and because every swift programmer is expected to 
> memorize what they do.  “init” is less defensible on these terms, because it 
> is more rare, but is clear, and shares commonality with some ObjC heritage.
> If you compare typealiases and associated types, these are *much* more 
> infrequently used than any of these three, they are effectively a advanced 
> generics feature.  Because they are less frequent, people shouldn’t be 
> expected to memorize what they are, and googlability does matter.
>>> - Overly unclear.  This is a very specific kind of type, not a generic type 
>>> you can use in other contexts.
>> Could you explain what you mean by this?  If anything I see this exactly 
>> opposite.  It’s a requirement for a type, *any* kind of type, be it struct, 
>> class, enum, non-nominal type such as tuple or function, whatever—so long as 
>> it satisfies the constraints placed it.  That’s about as generic as one can 
>> get.
> This is a declaration of a requirement of a type.  This is not declaring a 
> type.  This keyword cannot be used in any other place in the grammar.  People 
> would reasonably expect to use a keyword like “type” elsewhere.  This keyword 
> is completely different than init/var/func in that sense.
>>> - Unfortunate keyword.  Among other things it would make writing compilers 
>>> in swift a pain :-), but again, people would want to use this in other 
>>> places.
>> I don’t see how this would actually cause a problem if it was contextual.  
> Besides the parser ambiguities?  We could probably force it to work, but it 
> would be unnecessary complexity.  All statements and decls should start with 
> a keyword.  This enables attributes and declmodifiers to “just work”, you 
> lose that if you play games with context sensitive keywords.
>> There’s no reason one couldn’t name a property “type” if one wanted to.  
>> These two things will appear in *very* different contexts, so I don’t think 
>> humans would have a hard time de-contextualizing.
> I agree, that’s exactly why I don’t think it should be called “type”.  They 
> are very different things.

Thanks for explaining, Chris.


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