> This is very similar to my proposal. We were later suggesting the use of `=>` 
> in place of `in`, but formerly I suggested essentially what you did here, but 
> with `func` or `\` in place of `>=` to signify the start of a closure 
> expression.

It seems, though, that you thought *all* closures should be marked with this 
character, even parameterless ones. Whereas I propose that:

>> A no-parameters closure would not require a `=>`; a bare block would still 
>> do there.

Perhaps it's a difference in perspective—I've spent nearly my entire career 
using languages where closures were common—but I really don't think closures 
need a big, obvious syntactic marker. All we need is a good way to mark the 
ambiguous end of the parameter list (the front end if it's outside the closure, 
the back end if it's inside).

Closures are not conceptually a terribly difficult feature—they're just omitted 
from many languages because they're difficult to *implement*. We have to be 
careful not to make their syntax heavier than it needs to be.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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