Absolutely agree Matthew.
My point was that if this is the temporary tradeoff that we have to support for 
me is worth it. Having typed throws looks like a great next step to improving 
the current error system.
Curious to see your ideas about that ;)


Sent from my iPad

> On 24 Dec 2015, at 14:26, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com> wrote:
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Dec 24, 2015, at 3:24 AM, Alejandro Martinez <alexi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I've been following the conversation closely so here are my 2c
>> TL;TR: +1
>> After proposing solutions for the concerns about conversions this is a clear 
>> +1. Overloading the conversion functions is how it works in Rust and I think 
>> is a good tradeoff, even without the magical "try!" That Rust has. Maybe we 
>> could explore something like that when Swift give us a macro like system. 
>> But for now I will be happy with this.
> Rust actually uses a trait (the Rust equivalent of a protocol) to do this.  
> It isn't possible in Swift because protocols cannot have type parameters like 
> traits can in Rust and there is no other mechanism in Swift with equivalent 
> capability.  
> This means that Rust's From mechanism is generic and is part of the standard 
> library.  It is part of the common vocabulary of Rust programmers.  This is a 
> significant advantage over a solution that uses ad-hoc overloading relying on 
> a convention that is likely to vary between teams.  Some teams probably won't 
> even be aware of the possibility to adopt such a convention if it isn't part 
> of our common vocabulary.
> Here is what the Rust documentation has to say about this:
>> From is very useful because it gives us a generic way to talk about 
>> conversion from a particular type T to some other type (in this case, “some 
>> other type” is the subject of the impl, or Self). The crux of >From is the 
>> set of implementations provided by the standard library.
> Swift is not Rust and I personally believe a different approach to handling 
> error translation during propagation would be more Swifty for a number of 
> reasons.  I believe that would be the case even if we had macros and 
> protocols with type parameters.  I am continuing to think about this and will 
> probably submit a proposal if / when David's proposal is accepted.
> IMO it is very important that we have a standard mechanism for translating 
> errors during propagation.
>> The most important thing to remember is that this changes will not affect 
>> people that prefers the untyped throws, as they can continue doing it like 
>> now. I think this is really important as will allow us to ignore typed 
>> errors when writing prototyping code, but it will give the option to improve 
>> the safety of our code when is time for that.
>> Thanks for the proposal and the interesting discussion.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> PS: i've been playing on porting the example from Rust errors page to Swift. 
>> http://alejandromp.com/blog/2015/12/23/rust-error-handling-swift-script/
>> Will be interesting to try it again with the changes from this proposal ;)
>>> On 23 Dec 2015, at 05:58, Thorsten Seitz via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> David's proposal looks good enough for me.
>>> With regards to Matthew's worry of cluttering the code with conversion I'd 
>>> like to remark that this conversion code should only live on the border of 
>>> your API (the facade), so it should probably not be too invasive to your 
>>> business logic.
>>> -Thorsten 
>>>> Am 22.12.2015 um 20:08 schrieb Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org>:
>>>>>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 12:09 PM, David Owens II <da...@owensd.io> wrote:
>>>>>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 9:50 AM, Matthew Johnson <matt...@anandabits.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Unfortunately, I don’t see a way to make it safe.  You had to use 
>>>>>> fatalError in a default case to make it work.  An alternative would have 
>>>>>> been to include an ‘UnknownError’ case in ‘PublishedError’.  Neither is 
>>>>>> not an acceptable solution IMO.
>>>>> I need the fatalError() because the sample is a working example in Swift 
>>>>> today. If we had typed errors, this would simply work:
>>>>>    static func from<T>(@autoclosure fn: () throws InternalError -> T) 
>>>>> throws PublishedError -> T {
>>>>>         do {
>>>>>             return try fn()
>>>>>         }
>>>>>         catch InternalError.Internal(let value) {
>>>>>             throw PublishedError.Converted(value: value)
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> This states that the only closure accepted is one that throws an 
>>>>> InternalError. 
>>>> Ok, so you suggest writing a specific overload for each combination of 
>>>> error types that are convertible.  Got it.  Not sure why I didn’t think of 
>>>> overloads.  I was too focused on a general try function dispatching to an 
>>>> initializer.
>>>> That is indeed safe and I can live with it.  Thanks for taking the time to 
>>>> work through these examples with me and help to identify patterns that 
>>>> address my concerns!
>>>> I still find it unfortunate that this is in the realm of a pattern though. 
>>>>  IMO it would be much better if it was part of the common Swift 
>>>> vocabulary, either as a language feature or a library function but that 
>>>> isn’t possible as a generic implementation isn’t possible.
>>>>>> This top level `from` example also brings up a couple of points that I 
>>>>>> don’t recall being addressed in your proposal.  Specifically, the 
>>>>>> interaction of typed errors with generics and type inferrence.
>>>>> I call out in the proposal that errors work with generics no differently 
>>>>> than other types.
>>>> Great, I must have missed that.
>>>>>> I still consider this to be an unresolved concern.  I would like to have 
>>>>>> a safe way to perform error conversion during propagation without 
>>>>>> cluttering up my control flow and seriously degrading readability.  This 
>>>>>> is a problem that can and has been solved in other languages.  IMO it is 
>>>>>> should be considered an essential element of a proposal introducing 
>>>>>> typed errors.
>>>>> When Swift has a macro as powerful as Rust, then this is a solved problem 
>>>>> as well. However, Swift isn’t there yet. 
>>>> I would prefer a solution to this that didn’t require macros which would 
>>>> fit better in Swift.  This feature is buried in the `try!` macro in Rust 
>>>> as Rust doesn’t have built-in language level error handling support.  
>>>> Swift already has `try` built into the language.  IMO it would be better 
>>>> to have it handled by the built-in language level error handling support 
>>>> in Swift.  That seems like the more “Swifty” approach.  We could have a 
>>>> Swift macro `tryAndConvert` or something, but that seems inelegant.
>>>> We’ve gone back and forth on this quite a bit but nobody else has chimed 
>>>> in.  I’m curious to hear what others thing.  I would love it if any 
>>>> lurkers would jump in and comment!
>>>> Matthew
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