Consider reading the Property Behaviors 
 proposal, as attributes overlap with it. (Warning: loooooooong thread)


> Le 26 déc. 2015 à 13:57:04, JOSE MARIA GOMEZ CAMA via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Let me answer inlined.
>> El 26/12/2015, a las 19:15, Radosław Smogura via swift-evolution 
>> <> escribió:
>> Hi Dimitir,
>> Thanks for your questions, as you pointed me to deeper considerations and 
>> better description of idea.
>>> On 26 Dec 2015, at 16:20, Dmitri Gribenko <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 3:59 PM, Radosław Smogura <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> So,
>>>> What do you think about syntax like this:
>>>> // Declaration
>>>> @AttributeUsage(RUNTIME) //Can be SOURCE - attribute not emitted into 
>>>> binary
>>>> @AttributeTarget(PROPERTY) //Other CLASS, ENUM, METHOD, INIT
>>>> @attribute JSONProperty {
>>>> var name:String!;
>>>> var serializable:Bool? = true;
>>>> var deserializable:Bool? = true;
>>>> }
>>> Is this a new declaration kind?  Do you think we could make it work
>>> with existing language constructs instead, like structs?  Any
>>> downsides to that?
>> It’s really good concern and I have to describe attribute concept in more 
>> details. The _implementation_ of attributes would and should use existing 
>> constructs like structs or classes - I prefer classes as it will allow 
>> attributes to subclass some common class (Attribute?), so in future new 
>> functionality can be added.
>> Let’s consider attributes, and marking struct with @Attrbute.
>> On runtime attributes will be passed as references or value objects (just to 
>> keep contract programming) and assignment to attribute properties should be 
>> prohibited:
>> - if attribute is bound to type, than attribute would be nothing more than 
>> extension of static context of that type,
>> - it’s error prone for developers, as someone could change i.e. JSON 
>> property name.
>> Attributes are metadata, and do not require methods (however methods could 
>> be interesting and innovative addition). So attribute’s properties should be 
>> declared with let, instead of var, to prevent modification of those, but 
>> from other hand we would like to set default values for some properties, I 
>> just think that declaration like this would be confusing:
>> @Attribute
>> struct JSONProperty {
>> /* … */
>> let deserializable:Bool? = true;
>> }
>> Additionally having attributes as a new construct will give us more 
>> flexibility on changing syntax and adding new features in future.
>> I think this implies that attribute can’t be considered as struct (on 
>> language level), and should be treated as new language construct.
> I do not agree that attributes should only provide metadata. I think they 
> shall also provide means, like in Java or Python, to modify the behavior in 
> runtime. For this, mirroring would be needed.
>>>> // Usage
>>>> @JSONProperty(name=“id”)
>>>> var id:Int;
>>>> Attributes should be module aware (actual attributes should be redefined 
>>>> as Swift attribute, for beginning still can be hardcoded).
>>> Sorry, I'm not sure what this means.
>> Attributes should be in module. So modules can define attributes with same 
>> name. Right now attributes are global.
>>>> The attribute’s name have to be unique in module. It’s compile time error 
>>>> if attribute, class, enum, struct, etc has same name.
>>>> Attribute’s properties are read only and can’t be assigned - so during 
>>>> reflection no-one would change ‘shared’ values.
>>> I think using structs and requiring that attributes are value types
>>> would solve both issues.
>> I think attributes should be treated as new language construct, regardless 
>> how those will be implemented on runtime - it can be struct or class.
> I do not see why it should be a new construct, in Java it is, but in case of 
> Python it is not. Another option would be to define the attribute @attribute 
> that would identify a class or a struct as an attribute.
>>>> Attribute’s properties can only support basic types: primitives, strings, 
>>>> types, and other attributes (optional).
>>> Well, there is no such thing as "basic types" in Swift.  Strings,
>>> integers etc. are defined in the standard library and the compiler
>>> does not know anything special about them.
>> By basic type I meant a types which can be serialised to format which will 
>> not change in future. Numbers, strings, type names, arrays of those can be 
>> stored in binaries without risks of backward incompatibility, objects and 
>> structs are more fragile. I think next answer will clarify more.
> I think this is always the case when you have a compiled language, you always 
> store information as a binary when you have a library.
>>>> When declaring attributes, properties can be set to constant values 
>>>> (static let) or enum values, however the final value is stored in binary, 
>>>> not a reference to it.
>>> Again, given that strings are defined in the standard library, and
>>> that the language does not have a notion of a constant expression, I'm
>>> not sure how this would work.  I'm not saying it can't, I'm just
>>> saying you need to introduce a lot of new language concepts and
>>> compiler machinery.
>> It’s another good question. By const I mean virtual concept of static let 
>> declaration. My motivation is to keep attributes as static metadata.
>> Let’s consider three levels of attributes:
>> - source - those attributes are present only in source file and are not put 
>> in binary, such attributes can be used to mark pieces of code for external 
>> tools like visual UI designers, UMLs, etc
>> - compile - those attributes are present in output binary, but have not 
>> meaning on runtime - ie. @Deprecated,
>> - runtime - those attributes are present on runtime, and can be inspected by 
>> libraries to affect execution, ie.: @JSONProperty, @NSManaged
>> My other concern is related to attribute storage (let’s skip implementation 
>> of this). Suppose you want to centralise some values, ie. messages with 
>> following pice of code
>> CommonMessages {
>>      static var genericError = “Something went wrong :(“
>> }
>> And you want to bound a property to message when validation fails.
>> @ValidationMessage(message=CommonMessages.genericError)
>> var id:Int;
>> - For runtime referencing variables can be confusing, as some one seeing 
>> above notion can think that changing genericError will change message on 
>> runtime (annotations are static, so it will not work),
>> - For compilation level attributes compiler has limited possibilities to 
>> evaluate what genericMessage is, as there is no application runtime (it will 
>> be compiled), so only simple traversals through source can be performed. 
>> Even for const it can be hard right now.
>> The other question arises here, suppose CommonMessages are in external 
>> library,. What should happen if it changes, should a genericError be 
>> referenced or it’s value copied and stored in binary? Referencing could be 
>> quite interesting topic.
>> We can consider allowing simple or more complicated expressions in attribute 
>> properties
>> @Size(width=20+50+sqrt(12))
>> As long as those refer static context.
>>>> The compiler has build in support for core attributes, which can affect 
>>>> code generation. Compiler may perform additional checks on core attributes.
>>> OK.
>>> Another question is, how would you inspect attributes at runtime?
>> I would like to focus on syntax, semantic and parsing. This will require 
>> answering question how to store attributes (and I would like to move this to 
>> separate chain, as it will be long discussion). From the other hand, some 
>> questions still should be answered, ie.
>> How attribute should behave in such a case:
>> @ValidationMessage(message=CommonMessages.genericError)
>> var id:Int;
>> Should genericValue be copied or referenced (see above consideration), this 
>> implies what and how to store.
> Probably, in this case it would be good to have a look on Java annotations. 
> This can provide some hints on how to store the compiled information.
>>> Dmitri
>>> --
>>> main(i,j){for(i=2;;i++){for(j=2;j<i;j++){if(!(i%j)){j=0;break;}}if
>>> (j){printf("%d\n",i);}}} /*Dmitri Gribenko < 
>>> <>>*/
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