I'm wondering what the next steps for this proposal are.

I see Max's comment from the 16th 
advising to pull back discussion to the list, but I haven't seen any further 
discussion in the past 10 days.  Does someone feel that there are outstanding 
problems to address?  Even if there is some further discussion we need to have, 
IMO it would be appropriate to have that discussion in the context of a 
swift-evolution review.

I personally back the proposal essentially in its entirety.  I think it is 
vague on some points we will want to take up as separate proposals, but I don't 
think they are worth holding up the ability to test packages at all, which is 
the present situation.

I am not familiar with what exactly the criteria is for that PR to be accepted 
into swift-evolution and begin a review, which IIRC is the next stage in the 
process.  I do notice that it is the second oldest of the 12 open PRs in the 

swift-evolution mailing list

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