The 'except' change is interesting, but it's still a context switch that can 
wind up confusing people.  I think that's partly why Agda has the 'renaming' 
operation separate in the first place.

~Robert Widmann

2015/12/27 10:30、T.J. Usiyan via swift-evolution <> 

> import Foo using (bar, Baz, qux, waldo as fred)  // a "whitelist import"
> import Foo hiding (bar, Baz, qux, waldo as fred) // a "blacklist import"
> Is nice but `hiding… (waldo as fred)` is confusing. Am I hiding waldo? It is 
> also strange to look in that list for things that I am hiding and things that 
> I am importing. Context switches after the item that I am importing because 
> `as` follows the item in question.
> import Foo (waldo as fred) using (bar, Baz, qux)  // a "whitelist import"
> import Foo (waldo as fred) hiding (bar, Baz, qux) // a "blacklist import"
> `using` didn't actually need the syntax change but maintaining one consistent 
> form might be worth it. If not, `import Foo using (bar, Baz, waldo as fred)` 
> is fine. 
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 7:44 AM, Pyry Jahkola via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>>> On 27 Dec 2015, at 07:12, Developer via swift-evolution 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Therefore, I propose the introduction of 3 agda-esque operations for 
>>> imports to replace the usual `import 
>>> {func|typealias|struct|class|enum|etc.}` syntax:
>>>     • import Foo using (bar, Baz, qux, corge, …)
>>>     • import Foo hiding (bar, baz, qux, corge, …)
>>>     • import Foo renaming (grault to garply, waldo to fred, …)
>> +1, but why not just…?
>> import Foo using (bar, Baz, qux, waldo as fred)  // a "whitelist import"
>> import Foo hiding (bar, Baz, qux, waldo as fred) // a "blacklist import"
>> I've been able to work around identifier conflicts with the present import 
>> syntax but it gets clumsy with larger modules. I think both import-using and 
>> import-hiding would be very welcome in Swift, but the third notation made me 
>> double check its semantics from The Agda Wiki. Turns out the renaming (...) 
>> syntax is actually an extension to the other two and is often used as a part 
>> of the one or the other:
>> import Foo using (bar, Baz, qux) renaming (waldo to fred)
>> import Foo hiding (bar, Baz, qux) renaming (waldo to fred)
>> Why not do without renaming? Just allow both import-using and import-hiding 
>> to optionally rename imported identifiers. Further, while these keywords can 
>> and should be made context-specific, I think it's simplest to reuse "as" as 
>> the associating keyword.
>> That would lead us to the proposed syntax:
>> import Foo using (bar, Baz, qux, waldo as fred)  // a "whitelist import"
>> import Foo hiding (bar, Baz, qux, waldo as fred) // a "blacklist import"
>> where the tuple-like parentheses enclose a potentially empty list of 
>> identifiers or "identifier as identifier" mappings. The examples below 
>> should clarify the meaning and intended use of these two statements.
>>> Again, it should be obvious by uniqueness of identifiers what each one is 
>>> referencing, so qualification of each identifier is unnecessary.
>> Agreed. In addition, extending the import statement to class/enum/struct 
>> members doesn't make sense to me. Those don't conflict with the global scope 
>> at all.
>> — Pyry Jahkola
>> P.S. If this turns into a formal proposal, should we also address how 
>> imported operators should be dealt with? Can operators be selectively 
>> imported, hidden, or renamed? If renaming is made possible, we should be 
>> explicit on how the renamed operator inherits its associativity and 
>> precedence from the original one.
>> Examples
>> Suppose the module Foo contains the following identifiers:
>> // module Foo:
>> // - bar, Baz, qux, waldo
>> The "import-all" remains as it is in Swift 2:
>> import Foo
>> _ = (bar, Baz.self, qux, waldo) // All identifiers can be unqualified.
>> The "import-all" is synonymous with the longer "hide-nothing":
>> import Foo hiding ()
>> To hide or rename an identifier, fill in the parentheses:
>> import Foo hiding (Baz, waldo as fred)
>> _ = (bar, qux, fred)            // These names can be unqualified.
>> _ = (Foo.Baz.self, Foo.waldo)   // These names must be qualified.
>> _ = Foo.fred                    // Compiler error!
>> To import selectively, potentially renaming identifiers, use the 
>> import-using syntax:
>> import Foo using (Baz as FooBaz, qux, waldo as fred)
>> _ = (FooBaz.self, qux, fred)    // These names can be unqualified.
>> _ = (Foo.Baz.self,     // These names must be qualified.
>> Finally, it's possible to require qualified use of the Foo module:
>> import Foo using ()
>> _ = (, Foo.Baz.self, Foo.qux, Foo.waldo) // OK.
>> _ = (bar, Baz.self, qux, waldo) // Compiler error x 4!
>> End.
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