JIT is mentioned in [this thread](
and specifically by Chris Lattner in [this message](
and [this message](

Long story short, a goal is not to leave much performance on the table for
a JIT performance wise but the core team isn't against a JIT on principle.


On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 6:47 PM, Joseph Bell via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> Howdy,
> Long time listener, first time poster.  I've scanned through the last few
> weeks of posts to swift-evolution and didn't come across anything that
> appeared to address this, so I thought I would ask.  If it has come up
> please let me know!
> I'm sure most are familiar with building Python applications using
> __init__.py and organizing module code in subdirectories and then importing
> the code.  Likewise, you can use a flat structure and have everything in a
> top-level namespace, importing class definitions with something along the
> lines of
> from Foo import Foo
> from Bar import Bar
> f = Foo()
> b = Bar()
> Once this is executed there are Foo.pyc and Bar.pyc files littered in your
> directory.
> Is there a plan for Swift to evolve into a language that can also perform
> JIT compilation/execution, in the same manner that running a single swift
> file (with no imports to local code) works today?  Quite frankly I am
> looking forward to a day when I no longer have to deal with languages that
> define blocks through whitespace indentation.
> Joe
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