> On Dec 29, 2015, at 1:17 PM, Kevin Ballard via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 29, 2015, at 08:14 AM, plx via swift-evolution wrote:
>> Personally I’d say this should be a -1 for standard-library inclusion.
>> Swift’s not really built to handle infinite sequences right now; until they 
>> are handed better by the standard library convenience methods for creating 
>> them shouldn’t be in the standard library.
> As far as I can tell, the only way in which it's "not really built" to handle 
> this is that there are multiple constructs that attempt to eagerly consume an 
> entire sequence, and using these with an infinite sequence would end up 
> looping forever. But I don't consider that to be a particularly serious 
> problem. You could "fix" it by refactoring SequenceType into two protocols, 
> SequenceType (for possibly-infinite sequences) and FiniteSequenceType (for 
> known-finite sequences) and then going over the entire standard library and 
> updating various spots to use FiniteSequenceType, except this would be very 
> limiting (sequences that are not known if they're infinite to the compiler 
> could still be valid for various eager algorithms if the programmer knows it 
> will be finite in practice).

Indeed, on my wishlist I would like to see the standard protocols refactored to 
something more like this:

SequenceType // can be iterated
FiniteSequenceType : SequenceType, // of finite length
StableSequenceType : SequenceType, // can be re-iterated identically
CollectionType : StableSequenceType, FiniteSequenceType, (etc.) // otherwise as 
it is now

…but can understand the wish to not overly-complicate the basic protocol 
hierarchy (and also to avoid baking-in nice-to-have, but 
impossible-to-really-enforce semantic requirements; I’d trust the standard 
library to use them properly, but not typical 3rd party code, somewhat 
defeating the purpose).

Everything else is a difference of outlook; we agree on the facts and differ in 

I consider concrete types that adopt a protocol only to simply call 
`fatalError` for most of the protocol methods to be pathological — often 
useful, but still pathological — and thus far the standard library doesn’t 
contain any such pathological types (to my knowledge).

`cycle` is useful but not useful enough to be the standard library’s first 
“pathological” type, so it’s still a -1 as proposed.

This is nothing specific to `cycle` and my opinion here could change were the 
language or the standard library to evolve in various ways.
>> You’d also want to call `fatalError` for at least `reduce`, `reverse`, 
>> `sort`, `split`(?), `flatMap`, `dropLast`, `suffix`, and `forEach`.
> You can only do it for the ones defined in the protocol, not ones defined in 
> extensions. This means map, filter, forEach, and suffix.
> split is actually perfectly implementable for a CycleSequence, although it 
> does need a custom implementation. split is bounded by at most Int.max 
> splits, which means it is guaranteed to terminate even for an infinite 
> sequence (although the final subsequence does need to be infinite[1]). Even 
> if there are no separators in the cycle, it can just return the cycle itself.
> [1] Interestingly, the current implementation actually dumps the remainder 
> into an Array and returns that (wrapped in AnySequence), which is curious 
> because it would be perfectly legal for it to just wrap the generator up in 
> AnySequence and return that instead. I'm tempted to submit a PR to change 
> that now, as it just seems like unnecessary work to use an array.
>> `startsWith` and `elementsEqual` and `lexicographicComparison` are all 
>> broken if you call them like e.g. `self.startsWith(self)`.
> That's true, but what do you really expect when you're calling them with two 
> infinite sequences? It's not so much that they're broken as it is that you're 
> creating an infinite loop without any way to break out. And FWIW, 
> lexicographicalCompare is actually something you might want to explicitly 
> support on infinite sequences if you know your sequences aren't equal and 
> want to find out which one is less than the other.
> There are plenty of ways to shoot yourself in the foot. I don't think 
> infinite sequences are really the big problem you're making them out to be.
>> You can conceivably implement a non-crashing `contains`, `minElement` and 
>> `maxElement` on `CycleSequence` by calling through to the wrapped 
>> collection, but that’ll seemingly evaporate as soon as your `CycleSequence` 
>> winds up hidden inside an `AnySequence`.
> You can't override those anyway in a generic context, because they're not 
> members of the protocol, they're just extensions. You could implement them 
> such that your implementation is called when working on the concrete 
> CycleSequence type, but I'm not sure if that's a great idea to do that when 
> the actual behavior differs from calling it generically on SequenceType 
> (well, triggering a fatalError() instead of an infinite loop is fine because 
> they're both Bottom, but returning a valid result in one context and looping 
> infinitely in the other seems bad).
> Of course, these methods could actually be moved into the protocol itself, 
> which would let us override them. I'm not entirely sure why they aren't in 
> the protocol to begin with, I guess because there's not much need for 
> overriding these outside of infinite sequences (well, finite sorted sequences 
> could provide an optimized min/maxElement, and an optimized version of 
> contains(_: Self.Generator.Element), but maybe there's tradeoffs to doing 
> this, e.g. maybe there's some reason why having a large protocol witness 
> table is a bad idea).

I don’t think `contains` or `minElement/maxElement` *can* be part of the 
protocol (in the sense of overridable) at this time (they require `Element` 
satisfy certain type constraints), but they certainly should be if the type 
system someday would support that.

>> Which illustrates why this is a -1 for me; there's nothing wrong with the 
>> functionality in isolation and there’s nothing wrong with infinite 
>> sequences, but the standard library should play well with itself, and this 
>> wouldn’t play well with the rest of the standard library.
> Ultimately, there's not much difference between an infinite sequence and a 
> sequence of Int.max elements. The latter is finite, but it's so massive 
> (especially on 64-bit) that any kind of eager processing is going to hit the 
> same problems as an infinite sequence. Every problem you describe will be a 
> problem with the simple sequence `(0..<Int.max)` as well.
> -Kevin Ballard
>> That opinion could change as the language changes or the standard library 
>> evolves.
>>> On Dec 28, 2015, at 1:20 AM, Kevin Ballard via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> ## Introduction
>>> Add a new property `cycle` to CollectionType that returns an infinite 
>>> SequenceType that yields the elements of the collection in a loop.
>>> ## Motivation
>>> It's sometimes useful to be able to have an infinite sequence. For example, 
>>> `CollectionOfOne(x).cycle` could be used to have an infinite sequence of a 
>>> single element (similar to Repeat but without a count). A common use for 
>>> infinite sequences is zipping with a finite sequence. As far as I'm aware, 
>>> the stdlib does not currently provide any way to create such an infinite 
>>> sequence.
>>> ## Proposed solution
>>> Extend CollectionType with a new property `cycle` that yields a type that 
>>> conforms to SequenceType. This sequence yields each element of the 
>>> collection in an infinite loop.
>>> ## Detailed design
>>> 2 new types would be added:
>>> struct CycleSequence<Base : CollectionType> : LazySequenceType { ... }
>>> struct CycleGenerator<Base : CollectionType> : GeneratorType { ... }
>>> CollectionType would be extended with a property:
>>> extension CollectionType {
>>>   public var cycle: CycleSequence<Self> { get }
>>> }
>>> This is an extension of CollectionType instead of SequenceType because it 
>>> requires a multi-pass sequence (and SequenceType does not provide that 
>>> guarantee). The returned type conforms to SequenceType instead of 
>>> CollectionType because there is no possible `endIndex` that satisfies the 
>>> requirement of being reachable from `startIndex` by zero or more 
>>> applications of `successor()`.
>>> Because the default eager versions of map and filter will execute forever 
>>> on an infinite sequence, CycleSequence conforms to LazySequenceType instead 
>>> of SequenceType in order to provide lazy versions of those functions. 
>>> Additionally, it will provide implementations of the eager versions that 
>>> simply trigger a fatalError(), as the alternative is an infinite loop that 
>>> consumes more and more memory.
>>> ## Impact on existing code
>>> None
>>> -Kevin Ballard
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