> Le 30 déc. 2015 à 12:21, James Campbell via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> a écrit :
> These are very good points. 
>> Actually, it comes in as addAction(action: Selector), not String. You can 
>> initialize a Selector from a string literal.
> Yes :) should have looked it up before I tried to remember it off the top of 
> my head.
>> Three questions about your proposal:
>> 1. Where does "AnyObject -> Void" come from? The only signature information 
>> in a selector is the (minimum) number of arguments. Those arguments can be 
>> of any type, and 
> Well I would want to know what selectors people would us:
> One with one argument tend to be for events like button actions and 
> notifications which could be replaced by closures. We could deprecate or 
> provide warnings when trying to use the Selector Apis in swift.
> Others with more tend to be for canPerformSelector which is replaced by 
> optionals.
> The one edge case not handled is nsinvocation or performSelector, I would be 
> interested why people use this use case and how we would replace it in swift 
> (if at all).
>> 2. How are we supposed to implement this? You need to somehow convert a 
>> closure (a pointer to a bunch of captured variables with a pointer to a 
>> function embedded inside it) into a selector (a pointer to a table of 
>> selectors inside the Objective-C runtime, which does not do any normal 
>> memory management); I just don't see how you make that work. Saying "let's 
>> do this thing" doesn't mean it's *possible* to do the thing.
> I get that they are different but I had the idea that the compiler could 
> generate a unique name for each closure which when referenced by a selector 
> it would invoke.
> But this would be irrelevant if we moved towards closure Apis.
>> 3. What about other uses for selectors? addAction() is all well and good, 
>> but you also need removeAction(), and Swift closures don't have stable 
>> identities to test with.
> I question when we use things such as removeAction? I've only used addAction. 
> But I guess again if we moved to closure Apis this point would be moot.
> To me the only case that needs selectors is performSelector or Nsinvocation. 
> The others can be replaced by closures and the selector api to be deprecated 
> or to show a warning in swift :) (Xcode could even help migrate by moving it 
> to a closure that calls the function the selector was pointing to)
> I'm not a compiler expert so I rely on the swift team to tell me what's 
> possible (although at this early stage I think it's more important to figure 
> out what we want and not be bound by what's possible right now)

How would the closure based API work with Interface Builder ? 

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