As Félix said this is a lot of stuff to cram into one proposal, so much so that 
I admit I haven't even read it. But skimming it very briefly I found the two 
following suggestions:

>  1. Allow covariant generic argument types with a runtime check that
>     it is of the correct type
>  1. Arrays and a like become covariant (with runtime type check for
>     write) - like Java arrays but not Java Lists

And this makes no sense. Why would you break variance? The only
justification I can see from your email is "because Java Arrays behave
this way", but if anything that's an argument not to do it. Java Arrays
predate Java Generics, and so the only way to write polymorphic
functions that operated on Arrays was to make Array covariant. But this
is generally regarded as a mistake (although I suspect a necessary one).
As you mentioned Java Lists don't behave this way, and that's because
they learned from their mistake (also, with Generics the type could be
safely invariant and functions that operate on it could express the
variance directly).

FWIW, Swift Arrays actually _are_ covariant anyway (just try passing a
[SubClass] to a function that expects [BaseClass]). But not in the sense
that Java Arrays are. Swift's Array is a value type, which means that if
that function then appends a BaseClass instance to the array it got,
that's perfectly safe as it's really just mutating a copy (whereas Java
Arrays are like Obj-C's NSMutableArray i.e. a reference type). I believe
this is modeled internally as simply being an implicit coercion from [U]
to [T] whenever U <: T (but I'm not sure where this is actually defined
in the code). And of course because this is a coercion, it produces a
temporary, and you can't use temporaries with inout parameters, so that
preserves the invariance of arrays passed as inout parameters such as
mutating methods (although if you could pass a temporary it would still
be safe because it would write back to that temporary instead of the
original array; this would be very confusing though which is why it's

-Kevin Ballard
swift-evolution mailing list

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