> On Dec 31, 2015, at 9:47 AM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> No.  This is addressed in the proposal and the lazy collections motivating 
> example I replied with last night.  I don’t think it’s a good idea to require 
> this.

Can you put your proposal on GitHub under your swift-evolution fork? It’s 
really hard to follow the current state of the proposal and the changes over 

> The forwardee needs to implement the members of the protocol but does not 
> need to conform.  The forwarder will receive forwarding implementations of 
> the members, but again does not need to declare conformance.  Forwarding is 
> orthogonal to conformance, just as it is today when you manually write 
> forwarding members today.

I cannot think of a time where I wanted this pseudo-conformance. The entire 
purpose of forwarding, that I’ve ever wanted or seen at least, is to act as a 
pass-through from the outer type’s conformance to a protocol to an internal 
specific implementor of that protocol without having to write all of the 
boiler-plate code to make that happen.

So I find it confusing that you say they are orthogonal.

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