> On Dec 31, 2015, at 11:17 AM, David Waite <da...@alkaline-solutions.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Dec 31, 2015, at 9:53 AM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:dabrah...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> What is the use-case for this protocol?
> I actually suspect you have a better grasp of the pros and cons based on your 
> prior experience, but here goes:
> An AssociativeCollectionType would allow for alternate implementations from 
> Dictionary, which provide space optimization, lookup performance, and 
> functionality, to be used closer to the level of first-class citizenship that 
> Dictionary has.

That’s pretty abstract.  Note also that one shouldn’t design protocols without 
a batch of concrete models that you can examine to see how they should conform.

> This is similar IMHO to the status of say ArraySlice vs Array.
> 1. While there is a protocol for implementing your own collection, there is 
> none for implementing your own associative collection. Without such a 
> protocol, interfaces must be written to require Dictionary, and to get things 
> into the Dictionary representation (rather than just exposing an associative 
> interface) will require data copying as well as other probably smaller 
> details like the value be Hashable
> 2. A single dictionary-like type means that features which may be desirable 
> in an associative collection (preserving insertion order, sorting by key, 
> atomicity guarantees, searching by closest match, 
> computed/default/prototype-fallback value lookup) as well as problem-space 
> optimized algorithms (hash vs tree vs splay vs skip list) would each either 
> need to be features of Dictionary, or be second-class citizens. 
> 3. People who wish to have arrays behave like dictionaries (and are willing 
> to take the performance hit re: array index out of bounds returning nil 
> instead of raising a fatal error) could get the appropriate interface to do so
> 4. Array is mostly described (excluding certain mutating operations) by 
> CollectionType. Dictionary on the other hand only really uses CollectionType 
> to allow iteration and to reference items in buckets (I assume). The Raison 
> d'etre of Dictionary as a core type is just not represented via protocols the 
> way Array is
> Some of this though is that many CollectionType and SequenceType operations 
> are useful when considering a Dictionary as a sequence in a functional style 
> - but is not the default way I at least think of Dictionaries. For instance, 
> how often will people want to filter a dictionary into a tuple array, vs 
> mutating or forming a new dictionary with predicate-failing entries removed?
> As least in my personal experience, the difference in relationship between 
> Array and CollectionType (Array being a type of collection) and Dictionary 
> and CollectionType (dictionaries can be represented by a collection) is a 
> constant source of confusion. 

That sounds like a different issue.  Are you suggesting dictionaries should 
have-a collection rather than be-a collection?

> Some the cons I’ve identified:
> - Protocols today do not have generic arguments, making any function 
> declaration wanting to take “any string to string associative collection” vs 
> “[String:String]” be significantly more complex.

I don’t see why you think that increases complexity.  I don’t agree that it 
does.  This also seems like a completely separate issue from whether we have 

> - It is more pragmatic and simpler from a type perspective to push code to 
> use a single Array or Dictionary implementation rather than needing to 
> support generic implementations, except when opted into. This is similar to 
> the use of lazy, or the use of Int vs smaller or more specific types.

True, and it will always be that way AFAICT.  And again this seems like a 
completely separate issue.

> - Array has additional mutating methods which are not described by 
> CollectionType or any other protocol. The ease of getting a new copy of an 
> array and mutating it means code needing the ability to append (for instance) 
> today will be declared using an explicit Array type. If this was desired to 
> be fixed, it would require more protocols (ModifiableCollectionType?)
> - Related to the previous point, there is no way to require value semantics 
> via a protocol. If a ModifiableCollectionType was created today, there would 
> need to be requirements on implementation outside what a protocol can 
> enforce. 
> - An array could not implement AssociativeCollectionType directly, because 
> the index value and key would both be Int and there is a subscript property 
> for both, but with different semantics and a different return type. You would 
> need to ‘wrap’ an array to get this effect
> And one final thought - It might have make sense for Dictionary to not 
> directly be a CollectionType at all, but rather have a property that exposes 
> the Dictionary as a CollectionType, similar to how I propose a wrapping an 
> Array to make it act like an associative array. If you were to take a cue 
> from Java, this would be an “entries” property on Dictionary (or 
> AssociativeCollectionType)

I’m clearly not understanding something here.  What you’re talking about are 
all real issues, but they seem unrelated to each other and without any 
particular focus.  Sorry…

> -DW


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