> On Jan 1, 2016, at 11:25 PM, Chris Lattner <clatt...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 31, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Dave Abrahams <dabrah...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>> 2) Adding asserts to code should not make the code more dangerous whatever 
>>>> the build. Assuming the truth of the assert may lead to runtime safety 
>>>> checks being skipped and undefined behaviour when a no-op would be a safe 
>>>> behaviour.
>>> This only affects code built with -Ounchecked, which is definitely not a 
>>> safe mode to build your code.  The intention of this mode is that you can 
>>> use it to get a performance boost, if you believe your code to be 
>>> sufficiently tested.  This mode, which isn’t the default in any way, 
>>> intentionally takes the guard rails off to get better performance.
>>> If you don’t like that model, don’t use this mode.
>> Let’s just consider -O; I think I understand Joseph’s objection here, and it 
>> seems valid.
> Ah, good point.
>> Normally in -O, we say that if you stay in the “safe subset” of Swift code, 
>> you never get undefined behavior, even if there’s a bug in your code.  You 
>> might get *unpredictable* behavior of course, but presumably guaranteeing no 
>> undefined behavior rules out large classes of problems, including many 
>> security holes.  Now suppose you decide to be responsible and add some 
>> asserts to help you catch bugs during development.  Hopefully they help you 
>> catch all the bugs, but what if they don’t?  All of a sudden, if you still 
>> have a bug when you ship, you now have undefined behavior.  As much as I’m a 
>> fan of assertions having optimization benefits, It seems a little perverse 
>> that using them could make shipping code less secure.
> Yes, I agree.  -O should not imply undefined behavior in the case of an 
> assert() predicate being dynamically false.
> It sounds like we just need a documentation update here?

I’m pretty sure the documentation reflects assumptions that the optimizer is 
already taking advantage of, but the performance team knows for sure.


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