>> There are large classes of programs where you can know you don’t care 
>> exactly where a failure happens, e.g. (most init functions, all pure 
>> functions, any function that doesn’t break invariants).  In these cases 
>> marking every statement or expression that can throw is just noise.  Try 
>> writing some serialization/deserialization code where the underlying stream 
>> can fail to see what I mean; you’ll have “try” everwhere, and it adds 
>> nothing to comprehensibility or maintainability.  Personally I would like to 
>> be able to label the function itself and not have to introuce a scope, but 
>> IMO being able to create “try blocks” would be a welcome addition and would 
>> even match the common case in blocks with catch clauses, where being aware 
>> of the exact line where the error was generated is typically not useful.
> That's a really interesting idea, but I don't think it's what the poster was 
> suggesting. It sounded to me like he was merely saying “let's make the Swift 
> error system look like my favorite language's exception system".

I agree with Brent’s assessment of the OP. However that doesn’t mean that Dave 
does not have a good point. Here is some code from a recursive descent parser. 
(More correctly: the recognizer. Omitting the AST-building stuff.)

    func recognizeHandler() throws {
        try accept(.on)        // .on is an enum tag for the token for the ‘on’ 
        try recognizeName()
        try recognizeFormalParamSeq()
        try accept(.newline)
        try recognizeCommandSeq()
        try accept(.end)
        try recognizeName()    // Later Visitor pass checks that names match. 
        try accept(.newline)

There is a lot more where that came from.

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