There are lots of people who had an idea like this one, the latest just 
yesterday, where the other threads had been collected:

So there's definitely a lot of interest in that.

Freshly out of engineering school, I really liked how my calculator handled 
that (a bulky old TI Voyage 200, though I think that the N-Spire line can do it 


> Le 6 janv. 2016 à 10:17:23, James Campbell via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
> I implemented a way of type safeing a calculation in Swift. I.e marking an 
> Int as a Degree and then being able to convert to a Radian. (At the bottom of 
> the page)
> The magic for these special structs was the AngleType protocol which allows 
> you to Box up a value (in this case a number) and it handles the Conversion 
> (Apart from two of the methods which I had to implement).
> In theory we could abstract this protocol out, so that others could use it in 
> the library. Then they just use it with their structs and they can handle 
> converting between these types. 
> So two questions do we have something like this already? and if not would 
> this be useful ?
> import Foundation
> //MARK:- AngleType
> protocol AngleType: FloatLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
>     var value: Double { get set }
>     init(_ value: Double)
>     init(_ value: Int)
>     init<T: IntegerType>(integerLiteral value: T)
>     init<T: FloatingPointType>(floatLiteral value: T)
> }
> // Implement FloatLiteralConvertible and IntegerLiteralConvertible
> extension AngleType {
>     init<T: IntegerType>(integerLiteral value: T)
>     {
>         self.init(value)
>     }
>     init<T: IntegerType>(_ value: T)
>     {
>         self.init(integerLiteral: value)
>     }
>     init<T: FloatingPointType>(floatLiteral value: T)
>     {
>         self.init(value)
>     }
>     init<T: FloatingPointType>(_ value: T)
>     {
>         self.init(floatLiteral: value)
>     }
> }
> //MARK:- Degree
> struct Degree: AngleType {
>     typealias FloatLiteralType = Double
>     typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int
>     var value: Double
>     init(_ value: Double) {
>         self.value = value
>     }
>     init(_ value: Int) {
>         self.value = Double(value)
>     }
> }
> protocol DegreeConvertiable {
>     init(degreeLiteral value: Degree)
> }
> extension Degree: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
>     var description: String {
>         return self.value.description
>     }
>     var debugDescription: String {
>         return "\(self.value.description)°"
>     }
> }
> extension Degree: RadianConvertiable {
>     init(radianLiteral value: Radian) {
>         self.value = Double(radianLiteral:value) * 180.0 / M_PI
>     }
>     init(_ value: Radian) {
>         self.init(radianLiteral: value)
>     }
> }
> //MARK:- Radian
> struct Radian: AngleType {
>     typealias FloatLiteralType = Double
>     typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int
>     var value: Double
>     init(_ value: Double) {
>         self.value = value
>     }
>     init(_ value: Int) {
>         self.value = Double(value)
>     }
> }
> protocol RadianConvertiable {
>     init(radianLiteral value: Radian)
> }
> extension Radian: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
>     var description: String {
>         return self.value.description
>     }
>     var debugDescription: String {
>         return "\(self.value.description)㎭"
>     }
> }
> extension Radian: DegreeConvertiable {
>     init(degreeLiteral value: Degree) {
>         self.value = Double(degreeLiteral: value) * M_PI / 180.0
>     }
>     init(_ value: Degree) {
>         self.init(degreeLiteral: value)
>     }
> }
> //MARK:- Adding Conformance To Built In Types
> extension FloatLiteralType: DegreeConvertiable, RadianConvertiable
> {
>     init(degreeLiteral degree: Degree) {
>         self.value = degree.value.value
>     }
>     init(radianLiteral radian: Radian) {
>         self.value = radian.value.value
>     }
> }
> extension CGFloat: DegreeConvertiable, RadianConvertiable
> {
>     init(degreeLiteral degree: Degree) {
>         self.init(degree.value)
>     }
>     init(radianLiteral radian: Radian) {
>         self.init(radian.value)
>     }
>     init(_ degree: Degree) {
>         self.init(degreeLiteral: degree)
>     }
>     init(_ radian: Radian) {
>         self.init(radianLiteral: radian)
>     }
> }
> -- 
>  Wizard
> <>
> +44 7523 279 698
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