
I am new to Swift mailing list so I don’t know if this topic has already been 

I like Swift's range operators ..< and …
What I am missing though is an easy operator to create a range with a specified 
step. Currently, if you would want to iterate over some odd numbers, you had to 
for i in 1.stride(through: 7, by: 2) { … }
What I think would be simpler and more convenient would be something like the 
for i in 1 … 7 step 2 { … } . Another option would be  for i in 1 … 7; 2 { … }
The keyword ‚step‘ in this context clearly corresponds to the step of the range 
to create or to iterate over.

Essentially this is a syntactic sugar that makes it easy to create ranges with 
a step ≠ 1. What do you think?
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