> On Mar 24, 2016, at 12:39 AM, Russ Bishop <xen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I added a separate section on Ambiguity and what the behavior is. I think 
>>> you should be able to resolve ambiguity by casting so I went ahead and put 
>>> that in. An example:
>>> //Bar and Foo bridge to SomeObjectiveCType
>>> struct Bar<T>: ObjectiveCBridgeable { }
>>> struct Foo<T>: ObjectiveCBridgeable { }
>>> class API {
>>>     let foo: Foo<Int>
>>>     func objCVersionOfAFunction(obj: SomeObjectiveCType) -> 
>>> SomeObjectiveCType {
>>>         let x = obj as! Bar<Int>
>>>         // We've told the compiler which protocol impl to call
>>>         return foo as! SomeObjectiveCType
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> Any problems with this approach? It makes handling the ambiguous or manual 
>>> bridging case relatively straightforward, though there may be objections to 
>>> using casting this way. [Be careful, I still mourn the loss of @conversion 
>>> so I’m biased :)]
>> The problem I have with allowing the ambiguity is that you can get weird 
>> behavior if Bar and Foo are in different modules: import just Bar’s module, 
>> and an Objective-C API mentioning SomeObjectiveCType gets bridged as a Bar. 
>> Import just Foo’s module, and an Objective-C API mentioning 
>> SomeObjectiveCType gets bridged as a Foo. Import both, and 
>> SomeObjectiveCType doesn’t get bridged! Now start splitting class 
>> hierarchies among those modules and you get some very inconsistent imports… 
>> that’s why I think this needs to be an error.
> The rule requiring the Swift and @objc types to be in the same module 
> wouldn’t allow the scenario you describe.

Ah, yes.

> I’m fine to say it’s an error as this isn’t a capability I have any use for 
> and it definitely could cause confusion. The rule could always be relaxed in 
> the future if there’s a convincing case for it. I’ll update the proposal to 
> make it an error again.

I’d rather call it an error and consider relaxing the rule if we find it’s very 
important later on.

        - Doug

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