Please see existing discussion at

As discussed on #199 <>, I
believe we should continue discussing this (preferably on the same thread
as the original, or a new one that references it), but I'm currently in the
middle of a move and multiple travel plans, so I can't spearhead this for
another week or two.


On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Kevin Randrup via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> # Summary
> Add an allValues function to all enums that are RawRepresentable to
> access, iterate over, and count all of the values of an enum. The usage is
> general enough that I believe it would be a great addition to the language.
> This can currently be "hacked" in a few different ways by using the
> RawRepresentable initializer (SO link
> <>
> ).
> I'm presenting this idea here for discussion and feedback before I write
> up a formal proposal.
> # Limits
> Having an allValues method would only be logical for enums which do not
> have associated values. This limits the enum to RawRepresentable enums and
> basic enums (is there a name for an enum without associated values and no
> raw value?).
> I'm working with the assumption that this would only be done with
> RawRepresentable enums but it may be the case that basic enums can be
> included easily.
> # Examples
> All examples as source code are available as a gist
> <>.
> enum CommandLineFlag : String {
>     case Version = "--version"
>     case Help = "--help"
>     case Start = "--start"
> }
> func displayHelp() {
>     print("Available flags\n")
>     for flag in CommandLineFlag.allValues {
>         print("\(flag): \(flag.rawValue)")
>     }
> }
> Representing the structure and implementing UITableViewDataSource methods
> enum RecipeTableViewSection : Int {
>     case Header
>     case Details
> }
> enum RecipeHeaderRow : Int {
>     case Name
>     case Image
> }
> enum RecipeDetailRow : Int {
>     case Ingredients
>     case Cost
>     case PreparationTime
> }
> // UITableViewDataSource implementation
> func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int)
> -> Int {
>     switch RecipeTableViewSection(rawValue: section)! {
>     case .Header:
>         return RecipeHeaderRow.allValues().count
>     case .Details:
>         return RecipeDetailRow.allValues().count
>     }
> }
> func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
>     return RecipeTableViewSection.allValues().count
> }
> # Decisions/Questions
> 1. Function vs. computed property vs. stored static variable
> static func allValues() -> [CommandLineFlag] {
>   return [Version, Help, Start]
> }
> static var allValues: [CommandLineFlag] {
>   return [Version, Help, Start]
> }
> static let allValues = [Version, Help, Start]
>    - Currently leaning towards computed property
>       - Computed property > function - allValues doesn't do anything
>       besides return a value so it doesn't need to be a function
>       - Computed property > stored static variable - Will not increase
>       the memory usage of the program
>       - A change between computed and stored static property would not be
>    a source breaking change if it turns out one is better than the other.
> 2. Set vs. Array
>    - Set - There are no duplicate values and RawRepresentable enums
>    already conform to Hashable/Equatable.
>    - Array - Preserves the cases' declaration order
> 3. Should allValues consist of the enum type or RawValue? (CommandLineFlag
> vs. String)
>    - Strongly learning towards enum type
>    - However, either one could be converted to the other and one could
>    simply be a computed property of the other.
> If you have better examples and use cases, I would love to hear about them
> before writing the proposal.
>  - Kevin Randrup
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