> On 4 Apr 2016, at 18:18, Haravikk <swift-evolut...@haravikk.me> wrote:
>> On 4 Apr 2016, at 15:49, Jeremy Pereira <jeremy.j.pere...@googlemail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 3 Apr 2016, at 17:20, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> Although I use trailing closures a lot less now, I think I’m a +1 anyway 
>>> for consistency’s sake.
>>> I actually really like the idea of having trailing keywords in loops and if 
>>> statements, these needn’t be required (except where a trailing closure is 
>>> used) but for example it means I could do a fully natural language loop 
>>> like:
>>>     for eachValue in theValues do { … }
>> This is actually kind of bizarre. Here we are trying to invent new syntax so 
>> that the trailing closure can be used in if/while conditions and for 
>> sequences. However, there is already a perfectly good syntax for putting 
>> closures in these positions: put the closure in the parentheses of the 
>> function call. Are people really so desperate to use trailing closures 
>> everywhere that we have to add new keywords to the language? I don’t think 
>> they are.
> While I kind of agree (and personally prefer the use of parenthesis in most 
> places anyway) it’s an inconsistency to be unable to use them I think. While 
> It’s understandable from a parsing/ambiguity perspective, it’s not really 
> intuitive.

But the resolution would be another inconsistency i.e. a separate keyword that 
is only required if the condition has a trailing closure. Furthermore, that is 
an inconsistency that adds extra complexity to the language.

>>> I like the consistency of every block having a kind of type (do, else, 
>>> defer, catch etc.). 
>> That is a rabbit hole down which you probably shouldn't go. If we go down 
>> the route of blocks having a “type”, the current situation in Swift becomes 
>> somewhat inconsistent. I would argue that the `else` block on a `guard` is 
>> of a different type to the `else` block on an `if`. If anything, the `else` 
>> block of an `if` is closer to the `then` block. Also, would you allow the 
>> `do` block in a `for` or `while` to have a `catch` block following it? If 
>> not, then these blocks are different to the  existing bare `do` block. 
> Actually that’s not quite what I meant by “type”; while there is a case to be 
> made for unifying these more (else and catch on loops for example) I just 
> meant more along the lines that “do” would always group the main branch, 
> “else” indicates an alternative path if a condition isn’t met and so-on. For 
> the short term however this would just be a case of allowing do on the end to 
> eliminate ambiguity and thus allow trailing closures, but in the long term it 
> could be explored further.

I don’t view the `else` on an `if` as being some kind of second class citizen, 
it’s simply one of two alternate execution paths, whereas the `else` on a 
`guard` really is a second class citizen - it is even restricted what you can 
put in the block i.e. it must cause the enclosing scope to be exited. 

The reason why I called it a rabbit hole is because regarding the keyword in 
front of a block as denoting the kind of block it is, leads us to having to 
change a lot in order to make it meaningful and consistent.

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