> On Apr 4, 2016, at 9:54 PM, Russ Bishop via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 9:22 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0058-objectivecbridgeable.md
>> There are a number of things I'm not really clear on.
>> * * *
>> Consider this Objective-C API:
>>      ObjCFizzer* myFizzer;
>> Which of these represents how it is imported?
>>      var myFizzer: ObjCFizzer
>>      var myFizzer: Fizzer
> The latter. The idea is that the importer sees the bridged type is available 
> and substitutes it on all imported signatures. The actual mechanics of that 
> will involve some generated code (thunk) to call the protocol. I could update 
> the proposal to include what the body of that thunk might look like but it 
> didn’t seem terribly interesting.

Right. There will be some thunking the compiler does.

>> Suppose there is also a subclass (say, ObjCMutableFizzer), and we have this 
>> Objective-C API:
>>      ObjCMutableFizzer* mutableFizzer;
>> Which of these represents how it is imported?
>>      var myMutableFizzer: ObjCMutableFizzer
>>      var myMutableFizzer: Fizzer
> The intention there is that it imports as the bridged type so the latter.

I disagree here: ObjCFizzer is bridged, not ObjCMutableFizzer, so it would be 
the former.

>> On the basis of NSArray and friends, I assume they come across like this:
>>      var myFizzer: Fizzer
>>      var myMutableFizzer: ObjCMutableFizzer
>> Is that correct?
> No

I would have said “yes" ;)

>> * * *
>> Foundation classes can sometimes be bridged using an upcast (a plain `as`), 
>> which cannot crash. Is this possible with ObjectiveCBridgeable? If so, how? 
>> If not, will Foundation classes lose that ability?
>> If this feature can't be expressed with ObjectiveCBridgeable, is this seen 
>> as a shortcoming we should try to overcome, or the proper design? I worry 
>> about the unnecessary proliferation of exclamation points, especially since 
>> many style guides strongly discourage them, which will turn this into an 
>> unnecessary proliferation of unnecessary `if let`s.
> This would not be possible. This sort of bridging only works with special 
> magic types because they are known to always succeed. There is no condition 
> under which Swift will fail to convert String to NSString. The 
> compiler/runtime can’t prove that about any arbitrary type.

We can bridge from, e.g., Fizzer to ObjCFizzer via “as Fizzer” using the 

        func bridgeToObjectiveC() -> ObjectiveCType

> For bridging an Objective-C library into Swift, ideally all the APIs will be 
> annotated with SWIFT_BRIDGED so on import the Swift code won’t even be aware 
> the Objective-C type exists. All you’ll see in Swift is the appropriate Swift 
> types. This gives a library (say Photos.framework or UIKit) the chance to 
> provide truly native Swift types by shipping a module with combined Swift and 
> Objective-C code.
> Similarly, going the other direction (an app with Objective-C and Swift code) 
> this proposal eliminates the need to deal with the Objective-C types in Swift.

The ObjC types will still exist (unless explicitly banned via 
NS_UNAVAILABLE_IN_SWIFT or similar), and can leak through in some cases (e.g., 

        - Doug

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