> For example, there are all kinds of other ways to slice this:
>    stride(over: 0..<200, by: -2)

This seems like a particularly good solution. The way I understand it at least, 
it would allow ranges to always be ordered, with the only difference being 
whether it went start-to-end or end-to-start, determined by the stride's sign.

It would also avoid the need for additional range operators. The main reason 
you would need `>..` is so you could say `array.endIndex>..array.startIndex`, 
but by using the sign to decide which direction to stride over the range, you 
instead stride over `array.startIndex..<array.endIndex`, which is exactly what 
we already have.

Unfortunately, moving away from `stride(from:to/through:by:)` would kind of 
mess up an idea I've been developing for providing an "induction sequence" to 
replace the more complicated C-style for use cases, but I suppose that's the 
way it goes...

(Link to that: 

Brent Royal-Gordon

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