On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 11:36 AM Pyry Jahkola via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> On 06 Apr 2016, at 21:30, Developer via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> If you've ever gotten to the point where you have a sufficiently generic
> interface to a thing and you need to constrain it, possibly in an
> extension, maybe for a generic free function or operator, you know what a
> pain the syntax can be for these kinds of operations.
> +1 already!
> Or, if you're feeling ambitious, even
> func anyCommonElements <T, U>
> where T : SequenceType, U : SequenceType,
> T.Generator.Element: Equatable, T.Generator.Element == U.Generator.Element
> (lhs: T, _ rhs: U) -> Bool
> I would actually move them as far as after everything else, and right
> before the definition body. For the above function that would mean:
> func anyCommonElements<T, U>*(lhs: T, _ rhs: U) -> Bool*
> *    where T : SequenceType,*
> *          U : SequenceType,          T.Generator.Element: Equatable,*
> *          T.Generator.Element == U.Generator.Element*
> {
>     ...
> }
> That would make the definition look closer to what the call site looks
> like.
> The same would work for generic types  too:
> public struct Dictionary<Key, Value>
>     where Key : Hashable
> {
>    ...
> }

I very much like this suggestion.
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