> On Apr 8, 2016, at 8:02 AM, hitstergtd+swiftevo--- via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Chris,
> Thanks for supporting it in principle. I understand that it is out of
> scope for Swift 3 and that using C is one of the only decent
> workarounds at the moment.
> However, since you concur with what is being requested, would it be OK to:
> (a) Draft a summary proposal and commit it to the swift-evolution@
> repository, perhaps under "Other Proposals" or "Post v3"? and/or
> (b) Add some notes under docs/, perhaps in docs/LibraryEvolution.rst
> regarding this topic?

We don’t have a hard rule against discussing things beyond swift 3, but we 
generally discourage it.  There is too much important stuff going on in the 
swift 3 timeframe as it is, and the distraction factor can be very high.  I’d 
suggest filing a bug in bugs.swift.org, and you can work on a sketch of a 
proposal there.  Thanks!

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