
I have a small question about SE-0028, "Modernizing Swift's Debugging 

I think this is a great feature, because I think it makes it clearer that there 
a special syntactic rules involved when the debug-identifier is written as 
"#file" instead of __FILE__.

Will "#filename" also be included in Swift 3.0? It's basically the same as 
#file.lastPathComponent, but with the additional safety feature that you cannot 
find the full pathnames when analyzing the executable file. I saw it mentioned 
in the proposal, but I'm not sure if it was accepted, or if it is just an idea 
for some later Swift version. I think the idea is great. I think adding 
#filename would be an improvement. In the past, when writing Objective-C, I 
used the __FILE__ macro quite a few times, usually for writing logging macros. 
And in the function that gets called eventually, I always strip away all but 
the last path component (using strrchr()). ("#file" should stay, I'm not 
suggesting that it is replaced with "#filename", I only suggest that 
"#filename" be added.)

Another alternative would be to make "#file.lastPathComponent" a 
debugging-identifier that is handled by the preprocessor, so we could write 
something like

    func myLog(msg: String, filename: String = #file.lastPathComponent, line: 
Int = #line) { ... }

and the preprocessor would optimize away the call to lastPathComponent, so that 
the lastPathComponent function doesn't have to be called at runtime.


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