I would really like to see something like the following added to the standard 

extension Dictionary {
    func mapValues<U>(transform:(Key,Value)->U)->[Key:U] {
        var output:[Key:U] = [:]
        for (k,v) in self {
            output[k] = transform(k,v)
        return output

It comes up enough that I have had to add it to pretty much every one of my 
projects.  I also don’t feel comfortable adding it to my frameworks, since I 
figure a lot of people are also adding something like this to their projects, 
and I don’t want to cause a conflict with their version.  Prime candidate for 
the standard library.

I like calling it ‘mapValues' as opposed to providing an override for map, 
since it makes the specific behavior more clear.  I would expect ‘map' to 
possibly map the keys as well (though there are issues where the new keys 
overlap).  I suppose you could just have a bunch of overrides for map if the 
compiler becomes good enough at differentiating return types: (Value)->(Value), 
(Key,Value)->Value, (Key, Value)->(Key,Value)

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