> On Apr 14, 2016, at 10:27 AM, Milos Rankovic via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> In Swift, we cannot compile:
> _ = [[], 1, [2, 3], [[4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]]
> The reason for the compile-time error is that we are not in fact creating an 
> array, but a tree – a more general structure of which arrays are only a 
> special case. Given the well-deserved and growing reputation of Swift, one 
> would hope that in this instance the compiler would be able to default to 
> something like a:

Actually this error can be simplified to 

_ = []

As the compiler says, the expression is ambiguous. Without an element type, the 
array literal cannot be used to create an array.

On the other hand:

_ = [[1]]

is fine -  the system assumes the literal your literal was defining an array of 
int, so the outer type is Array<Array<Int>>

> For this to work in the playground, however, we must manually lift the values 
> into the world of trees first. And to make that chore in turn easier on the 
> eye we can introduce a:
> prefix operator ◊ {} // looks a bit like a leaf (us/uk kbd: ⎇⇧V)
> prefix func ◊ <T> (leaf: T) -> Tree<T> { return .Leaf(leaf) }
> let tree: Tree<Int> = [[], ◊1, [◊2, ◊3], [[◊4, ◊5], [◊6, ◊7], [◊8, ◊9]]]

Yes, because there is no way to have one type be cast implicitly into another 
type except for the cases the compiler supports via Optional or the various 
LiteralConvertible protocols/initializers.

So as other point out, if you actually defined a Integer-only tree, you could 
define that a .leaf was created from integer literals. Then this works without 
your wrapping operator.

> The point here is that if adding such a fundamental type to the Standard 
> Library would not be a priority at present, it is not the end of the world 
> since we can easily enough write it ourselves… What we cannot do ourselves, 
> however, is to get rid of the need for that operator in the common scenario 
> of initialising with literal values. For this we need a literal-convertible 
> protocol requiring two initialisers:
> protocol TreeLiteralConvertible {
>       associatedtype LeafValue
>       init(literal: Self.LeafValue...)
>       init(literal: Self...)
> }
> Then we could simply:
> let tree: Tree<Int> = [[], 1, [2, 3], [[4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]]

If my tree is of Pear objects, there is no “Pear” literal in the language. So I 
don’t think you are asking for tree literals. I suspect you are asking for 
implicit type coercion, which if present could possibly replace some of the 
existing LiteralConvertible protocols..


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