My stuff is maintained by a single team.  My problem is that Swift 2 is too 
immature to be usable on Linux, while Swift 3 is considered not 
production-grade on iOS/OSX.  I have code that compiles for both platforms, and 
so it needs to support 2+3, 2 for Darwin and 3 for Linux.

I would really like to see a saner way to go about this than duplicating whole 
function definitions.  Maybe that solution is to backport the new syntax, or to 
forward-port the old syntax with a warning.

> On Apr 16, 2016, at 3:52 PM, Jonathan Tang <> wrote:
> FWIW the Python 3 migration found removal of old syntax and introduction of 
> new syntax in the same release to be hugely problematic, and ended up 
> back-porting a lot of Python 2 syntax features into 3.1 & 3.2 to ease the 
> transition.  The problem is that large codebases are very rarely controlled 
> by a single team, and each sub-library usually has their own schedule for 
> update, such that cutting over all at once is not possible.  The approach 
> usually needs to be
> 1. Introduce the new syntax
> 2. Deprecate the old syntax, with fixits and strong warnings about when it'll 
> be removed.
> 3. Allow at least one version (and usually a couple) to pass as a transition.
> 4. Remove the old syntax.
> Not sure how much of a problem this'll be for Swift, which has had some 
> pretty clear "things may break with Swift 3" warnings on it.  My own 
> organization is small, and can probably cut over all at once as long as 
> there's a migration tool.  But I've worked in big organizations where 
> upgrading would be a complete non-starter if there's no transitional syntax 
> that's compatible with both old and new compilers, and once Swift gets a 
> decent third-party library ecosystem it'd be impractical to ever upgrade 
> until library dependencies were upgraded, and it'd be impractical to upgrade 
> the libraries until all their clients had switched.  Deadlock. 
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 3:55 AM, Drew Crawford via swift-evolution 
> < <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm writing to complain about SE-0031 and Swift 2 compatibility.  I 
> understand (and agree with!) the change, but the migration between now and 
> 2017 is annoying, hence my complaint.
> In snapshot swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-04-12-a, we started erroring on 
> the old syntax.  That means that this:
>     func foo(inout bar: Int) { }
> is not legal Swift 3.
> ...however, the new syntax:
>     func foo(bar: inout Int) { }
> is not legal Swift 2.  This complicates compiling for both, which several of 
> my projects currently do.
> /Further complicating matters/, Swift does not understand line-scoped ifdefs. 
>  So this:
>     #if swift(>=3.0)
>         func foo(bar: inout Int) {
>     #else
>         func foo(inout bar: Int) {
>     #endif
>         //my
>             //long
>             //functon
>             //definition
>     }
> Is not legal Swift.  The only way I know of is to say:
>     #if swift(>=3.0)
>         func foo(bar: inout Int) {
>                 //my
>                 //long
>                 //functon
>                 //definition
>         }
>     #else
>         func foo(inout bar: Int) {
>                 //my
>                 //long
>                 //functon
>                 //definition
>         }
>     #endif
> which forces duplication of the entire function definition.
> My suggestion would be one or more of the following:
> 1.  Support both syntaxes in Swift 3 "trunk" (e.g. until Swift 3 is released).
> 2.  Backport the new syntax to Swift 2.2
> 3.  Consider allowing line-scoped ifdefs
> Thanks for reading, and sorry to rain on a parade I largely think is Good For 
> Swift ™
> Drew
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