Hi Nate, 

 I think this is a very useful addition! I also had a related proposal few days 
 I feel like min/max extension and element order belong to the same family of 
enhancements. If you are interested, maybe we can combine them together into a 
single proposal? 



> On 17 Apr 2016, at 08:44, Nate Cook via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Attached is a draft of a proposal to expand the min and max sequence APIs to 
> better handle collections and to support future sorted sequences/collections. 
> The proposal is in a gist here 
> <https://gist.github.com/natecook1000/d51267a6cf9e9463b9387bced4c65b16> and 
> inlined below—would love to hear any comments or feedback before submitting 
> the proposal.
> Nate
> Proposal: Expanded min/max algorithms
> This proposal would expand on the min() and max() sequence methods to add 
> methods that return the corresponding index for a collection, efficiently 
> find the minimum and maximum elements or indices at the same time, and 
> provide extension points for sorted collections to provide all these results 
> more efficiently.
> Related Bugs: SR-889 <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-889> and SR-890 
> <https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-890>
> Motivation
> The Sequence protocol currently offers min() and max() methods that return 
> the minimum and maximum elements of a sequence or collection. Unfortunately, 
> there are applications where these methods do not provide enough flexibility 
> to be useful.
> First, if the user of a collection wants not just to get the minimum value 
> but also to operate on it in some way (e.g., mutation or just accessing it 
> multiple times), she would need the index of the minimum element. The current 
> APIs don't support that, so she would need to write her own.
> Second, the writer of a sorted collection is currently unable to provide 
> efficient responses to the min() and max() methods when used in a generic 
> context, even though these should be O(1) operations. Just like Set can 
> respond quickly to contains(_:) even in a generic context, so too should new 
> sorted collections be able to optimize their responses.
> Finally, getting the minimum and maximum elements (or indices) of a 
> collection or sequence currently requires calling both min() and max(). With 
> two calls, every element is iterated and compared twice. When you need both 
> results, finding both the minimum and the maximum at the same time is more 
> efficient, requiring only a single pass and 25% fewer comparisons.
> Proposed solution
> This proposal has three parts:
> Adding minIndex() and maxIndex() methods to Collection that return the index 
> of the minimum and maximum elements, respectively.
> let numbers = [30, 40, 10, 20, 60, 50]
> if let i = numbers.minIndex() {
>     print("\(i): \(numbers[i])")               // 2: 10
> }
> Adding minmax() and minmaxIndices() methods to Sequence and Collection, 
> respectively, to calculate the values (or indices) of the minimum and maximum 
> elements simultaneously.
> if let result = numbers.minmax() {
>     // result == (minimum: 10, maximum: 60)
>     // ...
> }
> if let i = numbers.minmaxIndices() {
>     // i == (minimum: 2, maximum: 4)
>     print("\(i.minimum): \(numbers[i.minimum])")
> }
> Adding customization points for sequences and collections that can offer more 
> efficient results: 
> _customMinComparableElement()/_customMaxComparableElement() for Sequence and 
> _customIndexOfMinComparableElement()/_customIndexOfMaxComparableElement()for 
> Collection.
> Detailed design
> The following methods would be added to the visible public APIs of Sequence 
> and Collection as default implementations.
> extension Sequence {
>     /// Returns the minimum and maximum values of `self`, using 
>     /// `isOrderedBefore` to compare elements, or `nil` if the sequence
>     /// has no elements.
>     func minmax(@noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: 
>         (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
>         ) rethrows -> (min: Iterator.Element, max: Iterator.Element)?
> }
> extension Sequence where Iterator.Element: Comparable {
>     /// Returns the minimum and maximum values of `self`, or `nil` 
>     /// if the sequence has no elements.
>     func minmax() -> (min: Iterator.Element, max: Iterator.Element)?
> }
> extension Collection {
>     /// Returns the index of the minimum element of `self`, using 
>     /// `isOrderedBefore` to compare elements, or `nil` if the
>     /// collection has no elements.
>     func minIndex(@noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: 
>         (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
>         ) rethrows -> Index?
>     /// Returns the index of the maximum element of `self`, using 
>     /// `isOrderedBefore` to compare elements, or `nil` if the
>     /// collection has no elements.
>     func maxIndex(@noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: 
>         (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
>         ) rethrows -> Index?
>     /// Returns the indices of the minimum and maximum elements of `self`, 
>     /// using `isOrderedBefore` to compare elements, or `nil` if the
>     /// collection has no elements.
>     func minmaxIndices(@noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: 
>         (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
>         ) rethrows -> (minIndex: Index, maxIndex: Index)?
> }
> extension Collection where Iterator.Element: Comparable {
>     /// Returns the index of the minimum element of `self`, or `nil` 
>     /// if the collection has no elements.
>     func minIndex() -> Index?
>     /// Returns the index of the maximum element of `self`, or `nil` 
>     /// if the collection has no elements.
>     func maxIndex() -> Index?
>     /// Returns the indices of the minimum and maximum elements of `self`, 
>     /// or `nil` if the collection has no elements.
>     func minmaxIndices() -> (minIndex: Index, maxIndex: Index)?
> }
> The customization points would be added to Sequence and Collection as 
> protocol requirements, along with default implementations that return nil. 
> The existing min()and max() methods would be updated to call the 
> corresponding methods before iterating over the entire sequence.
> protocol Sequence {
>     // ...
>     /// Returns the minimum element as `Optional(element)` or `Optional(nil)`
>     /// if the sequence has no elements. The uncustomized version returns
>     /// `nil`.
>     func _customMinComparableElement() -> Iterator.Element??
>     /// Returns the maximum element as `Optional(element)` or `Optional(nil)`
>     /// if the sequence has no elements. The uncustomized version returns
>     /// `nil`.
>     func _customMaxComparableElement() -> Iterator.Element??
> }
> protocol Collection {
>     // ...
>     /// Returns the index of the minimum element as `Optional(index)` or
>     /// `Optional(nil)` if the sequence has no elements. The uncustomized 
>     /// version returns `nil`.
>     func _customIndexOfMinComparableElement() -> Index??
>     /// Returns the index of the maximum element as `Optional(index)` or
>     /// `Optional(nil)` if the sequence has no elements. The uncustomized 
>     /// version returns `nil`.
>     func _customIndexOfMaxComparableElement() -> Index??
> }
> Minmax Algorithm
> The minmax() algorithm finds the minimum and maximum elements of a sequence 
> in one pass more efficiently than consecutive calls to min() and max(). This 
> optimization comes from iterating over a sequence two elements at a time. 
> In each iteration, two consecutive elements are compared with each other. 
> Only the lesser element could be a minimum for the whole sequence, so it is 
> compared with the current minimum, while only the greater element could be a 
> maximum, so it is compared with the current maximum. This works out to 3 
> comparisons for every 2 elements vs. 2 comparisons for every element when the 
> minimum and maximum are found individually.
> Impact on existing code
> As new APIs these should have no effect on existing code.
> Alternatives considered
> None.
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