let whyOwhy = _"\
    !!    Can't understand what improvements it truly delivers 
    !!        It basically removes a handful of characters
    !!    It works today
    !!        But I don't see it as a likable foundations for adding in future 
    !!    I don't envy the people who will have to support it outside of xcode
    !!        Or even in xcode (considering how it currently struggles with 
    !!    As for elegance, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say.
 var json = _"[json]\
!!  "file" : "\(wishIhadPlaceholders)_000.md"
!!  "desc" : "and why are all examples in xml, i thought it died a while ago 
!!  "rational" : [
!!          "Here we go again"
!!          "How will xcode help make these workable"
!!       ]

 [_"]  --> start string
 [_"\] --> start line + ignore spaces until eol 
 [!!\]  --> ignore everything until eol... basically the gap does not exits
 ["_]  --> terminate string
 [_"[TYPEID]\] --> start string knowing that it a verifyer or a formatter (or a 
chain of) understanding TYPEID can syntax check or format or or or

(From mobile)

> On Apr 29, 2016, at 4:20 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> On Apr 28, 2016, at 4:52 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> Did you ever really use multiline string literals before?
>> Yes. I used Perl in the CGI script era. Believe me, I have used every 
>> quoting syntax it supports extensively, including `'` strings, `"` strings, 
>> `q` strings, `qq` strings, and heredocs. This proposal is educated by 
>> knowledge of their foibles.
>> As outlined in the "Future directions for string literals in general" 
>> section, I believe alternate delimiters (so you can embed quotes) are a 
>> separate feature and should be handled in a separate proposal. Once both 
>> features are available, they can be combined. For instance, using the 
>> `_"foo"_` syntax I sketch there for alternate delimiters, you could say:
>>    let xml = _"<?xml version="1.0"?>
>>                "<catalog>
>>                " <book id="bk101" empty="">
>>                "     <author>\(author)</author>
>>                " </book>
>>                "</catalog>"_
> Other than the underscores (I'm not sold on them but I could live with them), 
> this is my favorite approach:
> * It supports indented left-hand alignment, which is an important to me for 
> readability
> * It avoids painful `\n"+` RHS constructions
> * It's easy to scan and understand
> * It's simple and harmonious
> -- E
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