On May 2, 2016, at 13:10, John McCall <rjmcc...@apple.com 
<mailto:rjmcc...@apple.com>> wrote:

>> On May 2, 2016, at 6:55 AM, David Sweeris via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> I was just thinking that:
>> protocol Foo : reference {}
>> might be more to the point than:
>> protocol Foo : class {}
>> I know that it’s currently a moot point because classes are the only* 
>> reference-semantics type of type in Swift, but it’s conceivable that there 
>> might some day be others.
> Functions/closures have reference semantics, but they can't conform to 
> protocols.  Anyway, that's not the important question; the important question 
> is why we would add a new kind of first-class reference type to the language 
> — that can implement class protocols, no less — instead of, at most, calling 
> it a new kind of class.

Dunno, I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular... If there's one thing 
I've learned on this mailing list, it's that the state of the art WRT to 
programming languages has changed a lot since I was in school, and, at least to 
me, it seems like the pace at which it’s changing is increasing as well. This 
was just an off-the-cuff idea for making the language as future-proof as 
possible. I don’t have an concrete examples, other than maybe “mixins”. I don’t 
know anything about them, other than their name seems misspelled to me. Would 
they even be a separate type of type, or would they get glued onto structs, 
enums, and classes?

Anyway, I just wanted to raise the issue before Swift 3 comes out, since with 
v3 we're aiming for source-compatibility going forward.

- Dave Sweeris (who is apparently trying to get the day’s quota for whacky 
ideas out of the way early :-) )
swift-evolution mailing list

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