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> On May 3, 2016, at 3:37 AM, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 2, 2016, at 3:50 PM, David Hart <> wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> In the latest version of the proposal, which is now linked to a pull 
>> request, I mentioned in the Detail Design section that the following syntax 
>> be valid:
>> protocol R : Q where AssocType : P {
>>   // …
>> }
>> Can you read through that part of the proposal and let me know if it is 
>> descriptive enough?
> I think you need to clarify the intended name lookup semantics. Does name 
> lookup for "AssocType" start its lookup in R or in Q? If the former, can one 
> refer to an associated type newly defined in R?

To me this syntax reads as a constraint on Q only.  If we need a constraint on 
associated types defined in R the constraint should be attached to the 

>   - Doug
>> David.
>>>> On 26 Apr 2016, at 05:28, Douglas Gregor <> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 24, 2016, at 1:34 PM, David Hart via swift-evolution 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I wrote the proposal which was discussed to introduce generic constraints 
>>>> for associated types. I’d like to get some feedback on it and get it ready 
>>>> before submitting it:
>>>> More Powerful Constraints for Associated Types
>>>> Proposal: SE-XXXX
>>>> Author(s): David Hart
>>>> Status: TBD
>>>> Review manager: TBD
>>>> Introduction
>>>> This proposal seeks to introduce a where expression to associated types 
>>>> declarations to bring the same expressive power as generic type 
>>>> constraints.
>>>> This proposal was discussed on the Swift Evolution list in the 
>>>> [swift-evolution] [Completing Generics] Arbitrary requirements in 
>>>> protocols thread.
>>> Believe it or not, I support this direction…
>>>> Motivation
>>>> Currently, associated type declarations can only express simple 
>>>> inheritance constraints and not the more sophisticated constraints 
>>>> available to generic types with the where expression. Some designs, 
>>>> including many in the Standard Library, require more powerful constraints 
>>>> for associated types to be truly elegant. For example, the SequenceType 
>>>> protocol can be declared as follows:
>>>> protocol Sequence {
>>>>     associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
>>>>     associatedtype SubSequence : Sequence where 
>>>> SubSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
>>>>     ...
>>>> }
>>>> Detail Design
>>>> With this proposal, the grammar for protocols associated types would be 
>>>> modified to:
>>>> protocol-associated-type-declaration → attributesopt 
>>>> access-level-modifieropt associatedtype typealias-name 
>>>> ­type-inheritance-clause­opt­ typealias-assignment­opt 
>>>> requirement-clauseopt
>>>> The new requirement-clause is then used by the compiler to validate the 
>>>> associated types of conforming types.
>>> The only thing that bothers me about this syntax is that I have to 
>>> introduce an associated type to add requirements. For example, what if I 
>>> want my inheriting protocol to add a requirement to an existing associated 
>>> type?
>>> protocol P { }
>>> protocol Q {
>>>   typealias AssocType
>>> }
>>> protocol R : Q {
>>>   // I want to just add “AssocType : P”, but I have to redeclare AssocType 
>>> to do so
>>>   typealias AssocType where AssocType : P
>>> }
>>> Did you consider an alternate syntax that puts the where clause outside the 
>>> braces, e.g.,
>>> protocol R : Q where AssocType : P {
>>>   // …
>>> }
>>> There are two things I like about this. First, it breaks the unnecessary 
>>> link between an associated type and a (possibly unrelated) where clause, 
>>> eliminating the need to redeclare associated types in inheriting protocols. 
>>> Second, it’s effectively the same syntax as constrained extensions, which 
>>> have a similar feel.
>>> Note that, if we do the above, I’d love to make it an error to define a new 
>>> associated type with the same name as an associated type in an inherited 
>>> protocol. It’s odd that we do so, and IIRC the only use case for it is to 
>>> add requirement to an “existing” associated type.
>>>     - Doug
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