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On May 6, 2016, at 12:52 AM, Brent Royal-Gordon <> wrote:

>> As far as mixed whitespace, I think the only sane thing to do would be to 
>> only allow leading tabs *or* spaces.  Mixing tabs and spaces in the leading 
>> whitespace would be a syntax error.  All lines in the string would need to 
>> use tabs or all lines use spaces, you could not have one line with tabs and 
>> another with spaces.  This would keep the compiler out of the business of 
>> making any assumptions or guesses, would not be a problem often, and would 
>> be very easy to fix if it ever happens accidentally.
> The sane thing to do would be to require every line be prefixed with 
> *exactly* the same sequence of characters as the closing delimiter line. 
> Anything else (except perhaps a completely blank line, to permit whitespace 
> trimming) would be a syntax error.

Yes, this is the important implication of what I suggested.

> But take a moment to consider the downsides before you leap to adopt this 
> solution.
> 1. You have introduced tab-space confusion into the equation.
> 2. You have introduced trailing-newline confusion into the equation.

I don't think confusion is the right word.  When tabs and spaces are mixed 
accidentally the compiler can offer a very clear error message.  The problem is 
easy to understand and easy to fix.

The new line question is really just a matter of learning how the language 
works and then doing the right thing.  Confusion only exists if you don't know 
the language, which can be said about pretty much any feature.  

> 3. The #escaped and #marginStripped keywords are now specific to multiline 
> strings; #escaped in particular will be attractive there for tasks like 
> regexes. You will have to invent a different syntax for it there.

The syntax for those was not my suggestion.  

> 4. This form of `"""` is not useful for not having to escape `"` in a 
> single-line string; you now have to invent a separate mechanism for that.

I was only commenting on the leading space issue.  If you prefer heredoc syntax 
that is fine with me.
> 5. You can't necessarily look at a line and tell whether it's code or string. 
> And—especially with the #escaped-style constructs—the delimiters don't 
> necessarily "pop" visually; they're too small and easy to miss compared to 
> the text they contain. In extremis, you actually have to look at the entire 
> file from top to bottom, counting the `"""`s to figure out whether you're in 
> a string or not. Granted, you *usually* can tell from context, but it's a far 
> cry from what continuation quotes offer.

This has never been a problem for me.  I have used heredocs extensively in the 
> 6. You are now forcing *any* string literal of more than one line to include 
> two extra lines devoted wholly to the quoting syntax. In my Swift-generating 
> example, that would change shorter snippets like this:
> code +=      "    
>              "    static var messages: [HTTPStatus: String] = [
>              ""
> Into things like this:
> code +=      """
>                  static var messages: [HTTPStatus: String] = [
>              """
> To my mind, the second syntax is actually *heavier*, despite not requiring 
> every line be marked, because it takes two extra lines and additional 
> punctuation.

Granted.  But in my experience multi-line string literals are usually not so 
short.  This has never bothered me in work with heredocs.
> 7. You are also introducing visual ambiguity into the equation—in the above 
> example, the left margin is now ambiguous to the eye (even if it's not 
> ambiguous to the compiler). You could recover it by permitting non-whitespace 
> prefix characters:
> code +=      """
>             |    
>             |    static var messages: [HTTPStatus: String] = [
>             |
>             |"""
> ...but then we're back to annotating every line, *plus* we have the leading 
> and trailing `"""` lines. Worst of both worlds.

This is a reasonable point and one I hadn't thought of.  I never had a problem 
with it when working with heredocs, but I can see where occasionally this would 
make a difference.

> 8. In longer examples, you are dividing the expression in half in a way that 
> makes it difficult to read. For instance, consider this code:
>         socket.send( 
>             """ #escaped #marginStripped 
>             <?xml version="1.0"?>
>             <catalog>
>                <book id="bk101" empty="">
>                    <author>\(author)</author>
>                    <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
>                    <genre>Computer</genre>
>                    <price>44.95</price>
>                    <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date>
>                    <description>An in-depth look at creating applications 
> with XML.</description>
>                </book>
>             </catalog>
>             """.data(using: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
> The effect—particularly with even larger literals than this—is not unlike 
> pausing in the middle of reading an article to watch a movie. What were we 
> talking about again?
> This problem is neatly avoided by a heredoc syntax, which keeps the 
> expression together and then collects the string below it:
>         socket.send(""".data(using: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
>             <?xml version="1.0"?>
>             <catalog>
>                <book id="bk101" empty="">
>                    <author>\(author)</author>
>                    <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
>                    <genre>Computer</genre>
>                    <price>44.95</price>
>                    <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date>
>                    <description>An in-depth look at creating applications 
> with XML.</description>
>                </book>
>             </catalog>
>             """
> (I'm assuming there's no need for #escaped or #marginStripped; they're both 
> enabled by default.)

That's interesting.  I haven't encountered syntax like that before.  I think I 
like it but would have to consider it further.

Again, I was only commenting on the leading space issue, not triple quote vs 

> * * *
> Let's actually talk about heredocs. Leaving aside indentation (which can be 
> applied to either feature) and the traditional token choices (which can be 
> changed), I think these are the pros of heredocs compared to Python 
> triple-quotes:
> H1: Doesn't break up expressions, as discussed above.
> H2: Literal content formatting is completely unaffected by code formatting, 
> including the first and last lines.
> Here are the pros of Python triple-quotes compared to heredocs:
> P1: Simpler to explain: "like a string literal, but really big".
> P2: Lighter syntactic weight, enough to make`"""` usable as a single-line 
> syntax.
> P3: Less trailing-newline confusion.
> (There is one other difference: `"""` is simpler to parse, so we might be 
> able to get it in Swift 3, whereas heredocs probably have to wait for Swift 
> 4. But I don't think we should pick one feature over another merely so we can 
> get it sooner. It's one thing if you plan to eventually introduce both 
> features, as I plan to eventually have both continuation quotes and heredocs, 
> to introduce each of them as soon as you can; it's another to actually choose 
> one feature over another specifically to get something you can implement 
> sooner.)
> But the design you're discussing trades P2 and P3—and frankly, with the 
> mandatory newlines, part of P1—away in an attempt to get H2. So we end up 
> deciding between these two selling points:
> * This triple-quotes design: Simpler to explain.
> * Heredocs: Doesn't break up expressions.
> Simplicity is good, but I really like the code reading benefits of heredocs. 
> Your code is your code and your text is your text. The interface between them 
> is a bit funky, but within their separate worlds, they're both pretty nice.
> * * *
> Either way, heredocs or multiline-only triple quotes could be tweaked to 
> support indentation by using the indentation of the end delimiter. But as I 
> explained above, I don't think that's a great idea for either triple quotes 
> *or* heredocs—the edge of the indentation is not visually well defined enough.

How would you feel about making stripping a choice, like escapes, etc?  I think 
building the option into the language is great.  The reason is that almost 
every heredoc I ever wrote was stripped of leading space by code I had to write 
and call myself.

> That's why I came to the conclusion that trying to cram every multiline 
> literal into one syntax is trying to cram too many peg shapes into one hole 
> shape. Indentation should *only* be supported by a dedicated syntax which is 
> also designed for the smallest multiline strings, where indentation support 
> is most useful. A separate feature without indentation support should handle 
> longer strings, where the length alone is so disruptive to the flow of your 
> code that there's just no point even trying to indent them to match (and the 
> break with normal indentation itself assists you in finding the end of the 
> string).
> And I think that the best choice for the first feature is continuation 
> quotes, and for the second is heredocs. Triple-quote syntaxes—either Python's 
> or this modification—are jacks of all trades, but masters of none.

This is fine with me.  Again, I was only commenting on the leading space issue. 
 I don't mind continuation quotes if we think heredocs (or triple quotes) are 
also likely to be added.  You make a good case for having both.

> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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