Sorry--I'm not at all saying that I think there's a problem. As you asked,
I attempted to supply a contrived use case for a typealias declared in a
protocol having a more restricted scope than the protocol itself. I was
asking if it would be supported as part of your proposal.

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 3:11 PM, David Hart <> wrote:

> I don’t see a problem with your example. Because the typealias is
> fileprivate, it doesn’t exist as far as MyUsefulType is concerned. The same
> way the following works:
> ```
> class Base {
>     private typealias Foo = Int
>     func foo() -> Int {
>         return Foo()
>     }
> }
> ```
> Other file:
> ```
> class Derived: Base {
>     typealias Foo = String
>     func bar() -> String {
>         return "Hello \(foo())"
>     }
> }
> ```
> On 09 May 2016, at 10:37, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 2:31 AM, David Hart <> wrote:
>> On 09 May 2016, at 09:16, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
>> One more thought here:
>> It goes a long way to say "typealiases in protocols are to have the same
>> semantics as aliases outside protocols." I'm inclined to agree on that, but
>> I haven't thought it totally through.
>> Now, I can have private typealiases outside protocols. Could I have
>> private typealiases inside protocols? They'd be handy for referencing types
>> while implementing default methods in protocol extensions and whatnot
>> without worrying about collisions with typealiases in conforming types…
>> Sounds like it should be allowed. I’ll add something about it in the
>> proposal. Could you give an example of what you mean by "without worrying
>> about collisions with typealiases in conforming types…”?
> I wonder if this takes things in an, um, interesting direction. Suppose I
> could have this (a contrived example--it may fall apart on further study):
> ```
> protocol MyUsefulProtocol {
>   associatedtype Storage : Collection
>   fileprivate typealias UniqueIdentifier = Storage.Index
>   func doUsefulThing() -> Storage
> }
> extension MyUsefulProtocol {
>   func doUsefulThing() -> Storage {
>     // do something useful in this default implementation
>     // use UniqueIdentifier internally here and only here
>   }
> }
> ```
> In a different file:
> ```
> struct MyUsefulType<A : Hashable, B> : MyUsefulProtocol {
>   /* I could do this if I wanted:
>   typealias UniqueIdentifier = A
>   More importantly, I could retroactively conform MyUsefulType
>   to MyUsefulProtocol even if they happen to have clashing
>   typealiases, which is great because the typealias in
>   MyUsefulProtocol is used for clarity and convenience inside
>   the default implementation and is irrelevant here
>   */
>   func doUsefulThing() -> Dictionary<A, B> {
>     // do something useful but different
>     // from the default implementation
>   }
> }
> ```
> I wonder, though, if this is to be allowed, whether much the same could be
> achieved by instead allowing associatedtype declarations to have default
> values (for example: `associatedtype UniqueIdentifier : Equatable =
> Storage.Index`), at which point we might be one step away from going full
> circle and eliminating the distinction between associatedtypes and
> typealiases once again.
> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 01:52 David Hart <> wrote:
>>> I understand that name clashing in those instances is important to
>>> discuss, but I still think it is slightly orthogonal to the proposal. Let
>>> me try to explain why.
>>> If typealises in protocols are to have the same semantics as alises
>>> outside protocols (as I think they should), then they don’t change anything
>>> about the rules of collision. For example, the problem already exists today
>>> with associated types:
>>> protocol Foo {
>>>     associatedtype Inner: IntegerType
>>>     func foo(inner: Inner)
>>> }
>>> protocol Bar {
>>>     associatedtype Inner: FloatingPointType
>>>     var inner: Inner { get }
>>> }
>>> struct FooBarImpl: Foo, Bar { // error: Type ‘FooBarImpl’ does not
>>> conform to protocol ‘Bar'
>>>     func foo(inner: Int) {}
>>>     var inner: Float
>>> }
>>> Type aliasing would not change anything about the fact that those
>>> collisions already exists in the language and are not very well handled:
>>> either they are meant to be forbidden but in that case we need better
>>> diagnostics, or we want to have a way to work around them. Perhaps you’d
>>> like to start a discussion around fixing that ?
>>> On 09 May 2016, at 08:06, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
>>> I see your point that nothing breaks in the stdlib with your proposal
>>> alone. It's undeniably true--by construction!--that a purely additive
>>> feature, if never used, will not cause problems.
>>> That said, since the time that this feature was outlined in Doug's
>>> manifesto, I have been wondering how clashes such as the examples in my
>>> previous email are to be handled--i.e. what the rules of the language are
>>> to be--which I think is certainly germane to your proposal. Can a
>>> conforming type override a protocol typealias? Can a type conform to two
>>> protocols with conflicting typealiases if all requirements are otherwise
>>> satisfied? Surely, these merit discussion in your proposal.
>>> On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 12:48 AM David Hart <> wrote:
>>>> Hello Xiaodi,
>>>> What I mean by there is no impact on existing code is that the language
>>>> change has no impact. Of course, if the Standard Library then declares a
>>>> typealias Element in Sequence, it will clash with code which has declared
>>>> an Element typealias in sub-protocols, but that is separate from the
>>>> proposal.
>>>> On 09 May 2016, at 07:28, Xiaodi Wu <> wrote:
>>>> If the protocol Sequence has typealias Element, does that mean I also
>>>> have MyConformingSequence.Element?
>>>> If so, I think there is a potential impact on existing code not
>>>> mentioned. Suppose MyConformingSequence already (unwisely) declares
>>>> typealias Element. Now, what happens when I try to migrate my code to your
>>>> proposed version of Swift?
>>>> This is a toy example, of course. More generally, though, I wonder
>>>> about this question:
>>>> Suppose two protocols A and B each declare typealias Element. These
>>>> typealiases are, as you proposed, intended to simplify referencing indirect
>>>> associated types. But are they themselves considered protocol requirements?
>>>> I ask because, suppose I want to conform type T to A and B. I implement
>>>> all the required methods and properties for such conformance. I declare the
>>>> appropriate typealiases for the associatedtypes declared in both protocols.
>>>> But, if A.Element and B.Element are incompatible with each other, it is
>>>> nonetheless impossible to conform T to both A and B? If it's forbidden,
>>>> isn't that kind of a bummer, since what's getting in the way is a naming
>>>> clash arising from a facility intended to simplify the naming of things
>>>> rather than provide for new functionality? If it's permitted, what is
>>>> T.Element? Some clarity here would be nice.
>>>> On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 6:17 PM David Hart via swift-evolution <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I’ve come again with another proposal directly from the Generics
>>>>> Manifesto. Please let me know if it needs any modifications before sending
>>>>> the pull request.
>>>>> Typealiases in protocols and protocol extensions
>>>>>    - Proposal: SE-XXXX
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    - Authors: David Hart <>, Doug Gregor
>>>>>    <>
>>>>>    - Status: TBD
>>>>>    - Review manager: TBD
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Introduction
>>>>> This proposal is from the Generics Manifesto
>>>>> <> and
>>>>> brings the typealias keyword back into protocols for type aliasing.
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Motivation
>>>>> In Swift versions prior to 2.2, the typelias keyword was used outside
>>>>> of protocols to declare type aliases and in protocols to declare 
>>>>> associated
>>>>> types. Since SE-0011
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  and
>>>>> Swift 2.2, associated type now use the associatedtype keyword and
>>>>> typelias is available for implementing true associated type aliases.
>>>>> <>Proposed
>>>>> solution
>>>>> The solution allows the creation of associated type aliases. Here is
>>>>> an example from the standard library:
>>>>> protocol Sequence {
>>>>>   associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
>>>>>   typealias Element = Iterator.Element
>>>>> }
>>>>> The example above shows how this simplifies referencing indirect
>>>>> associated types:
>>>>> func sum<T: Sequence where T.Element == Int>(sequence: T) -> Int {
>>>>>     return sequence.reduce(0, combine: +)
>>>>> }
>>>>> <>Detailed
>>>>> design
>>>>> The following grammar rules needs to be added:
>>>>> *protocol-member-declaration* → *protocol-typealias-declaration*
>>>>> *protocol-typealias-declaration* → *typealias-declaration*
>>>>> <>Impact
>>>>> on existing code
>>>>> This will have no impact on existing code, but will probably require
>>>>> improving the Fix-It that was created for migrating typealias to
>>>>> associatedtype in Swift 2.2.
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