On 11.05.2016 17:42, Matthew Johnson wrote:
You are describing the behavior of Self, not #Self.

Well.. Yes :-) I.e. I wanted to show that `->#Self` requirement in protocol(from my point of view) will produce issues just like `->Self`

       #Self expands to the static type of the code it is declared
within. In value types, this is always the same as Self. In reference
types, it refers to the *declaring* type.

For implementations of protocol requirements the declaring type is the type
that declares conformance.

Self is covariant, #Self (or Type) is invariant.  That is the difference.

There is some misunderstanding between us.
Most likely this is because of my terrible English. (Btw, sorry for this)

I just can't understand, how do you understand the `A` protocol conformance for F & G classes in my examples?

In your word, with implemented #Self, F & G `is A` ? If so, how exactly they conform to protocol that says F & G *must* have `f` that returns #Self. What is #Self for F & G classes that should be returned in f()? Right now I think that your idea just can not be implemented at all based on *initial* #Self proposal.

Probably you(we) need another proposal, like BaseSelf (or SuperSelf) that means "this class or any its base class", then I understand how such a `f()->BaseSelf` protocol requirement can be applied to E class and also be true for F&G classes (as f() inherited from base class will return instance of E which is base for both).
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