> canImport (or whatever it ends up being called) is deliberate.
> You test before you import:
> #if canImport(x)
>    import x
> #else
> ...
> #endif
> and you test at the use-site
> #if canImport(x)
>   // use things that are available in x
> #else
> ...
> So you don't import UIKit unless you *can*, and you don't use UIColor unless 
> you can import UIKit. This follows closely on the design of __has_include.
> -- E

I guess one issue I can see is it’s used in two different ways:
- The first use of canImport is used to check whether it can import a module, 
and then does so, but there’s no requirement for it to do so. Is this the right 
this to do?
- The second use of canImport makes no guarantee that the module has been 
imported, only that it can.

What if instead `import` could return whether it imported or not, when used 
with #if? Instead of ‘can import’, you get ‘did just import’ and ‘has imported’.

import Required // Error if not present, current behaviour

#if import CoolThing // Skips code block if not present, imports otherwise
  // Do something with CoolThing module
  import AlmostAsCoolThing

and you test at the use-site

#if module(X) // Does not import, only checks if it has been imported
  // use things that are available in X

As per Pyry’s feedback, you could add a version:

#if import Frobnication(<1.7.3) // <- Only added version constraint here.
extension Knob : Frobnicatable { ... }

Just a way to make it less low level.

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